Enable Local Network Access-can't setup private folder(?)

Was working OK until a few months ago w/Win-11 file explorer but can only access public folders. I followed the setup but the folder doesn’t shoe in file explorer.
I have public(\MYCLOUD-serial no) (Y:)
2FA setup
Local Network Access
Name: xxxxx
Password xxxx

what am I missing to get back into folders?


Most probably the newly updated Windows 11 security feature of enforced client SMB signing.

This has been frequently discussed since May, 2024.

I’ve tried everything in various posting and still can’t get to personal/private folders locally. Watched WD media many times and no luck. my next step is open a support ticket.

Nobody here could possibly know what you have tried or not tried, but apparently you know how to ‘Enable Local Access’ and yet you couldn’t enter your credentials or you don’t show what error if any when you enter the local credential.

I would suggest you repeat ‘Enable Local Access’ and reset your local password. Notice there are at least three (3) different credentials involved and do not use the same id for all of them.

  1. Windows credential
  2. WD online credential
  3. My Cloud Home Local Access credential which is set by ‘Enable Local Acess’
  1. Windows credential
    MCH local access listed with name & PW
  2. WD online credential
    I can view all personal files & folders after login
  3. My Cloud Home Local Access credential which is set by ‘Enable Local Access’
    I login with MCH I.P. address
    All login and PW are different

Explorer network view shows folders
MYCLOUD- number

This is where it fails… shouldn’t it show personal folder or let me brows to folder to login into?
From memory when it was working folder was named MY-CLOUD-HOME or MY-CLOUD-HOME(local)

BTW Win-11 home doesn’t have gpedit app on present on my Win-11 Pro notebook

thanks again

First of all, you shouldn’t have to do this ‘From memory’ because you can check by going to the My Cloud Home dashboard and set or reset the local user name and password as suggested.

For the owner and each invited user there is a private space available if ‘Enabled Local Access’ has been set properly for each user. You can see the My Cloud Home ‘Dashboard’ shown below if you can log in locally (it actually says “device-local-” in the browser. If you had done this for the owner and 2 users along side the Public spaces, you will see for example:

Owner (mch4s pictured)

As mentioned in the post above, you should set or reset the name and password for the local user(s) and see if the private space is available.