Enable Local Network Access-can't setup private folder(?)

Was working OK until a few months ago w/Win-11 file explorer but can only access public folders. I followed the setup but the folder doesn’t shoe in file explorer.
I have public(\MYCLOUD-serial no) (Y:)
2FA setup
Local Network Access
Name: xxxxx
Password xxxx

what am I missing to get back into folders?


This thread turned out to be about ‘Clear Device Settings’ but it was initially obfuscated by a lack of details for example whether it was the Windows 11 version 24H2 that was causing the network error.

How to Clear Device Settings on My Cloud Home

Some of the posts were subsequently deleted for clarity.

I’ve tried everything in various posting and still can’t get to personal/private folders locally. Watched WD media many times and no luck. my next step is open a support ticket.

  1. Windows credential
    MCH local access listed with name & PW
  2. WD online credential
    I can view all personal files & folders after login
  3. My Cloud Home Local Access credential which is set by ‘Enable Local Access’
    I login with MCH I.P. address
    All login and PW are different

Explorer network view shows folders
MYCLOUD- number

This is where it fails… shouldn’t it show personal folder or let me brows to folder to login into?
From memory when it was working folder was named MY-CLOUD-HOME or MY-CLOUD-HOME(local)

BTW Win-11 home doesn’t have gpedit app on present on my Win-11 Pro notebook

thanks again

I have done everything except “Clear Device Settings”. I’ve added another user which works so they have an folder… which doesn’t appear w/explorer(should it?) I’ve tried from 2 other wired PC/notebook and still can’t get the personal folder in explorer. I just opened a support ticket.

My network is set to private on both(wired) PC & notebook and not public… is this correct? Also notebook win-11 Pro has the gpedit app, were would be the SMB setting located?


Tried on my notebook with Win-11-PRO and this is the current settings. I didn’t make any changes yet. It’s already disabled.

There are still too few details on your set up and you should now rely more on WD Tech support as well as Microsoft community tech support to resolve your network problems.

Made progress, cleared device settings before going to bed. This AM was able to see and login on notebook without making any gpedit changes. I have the folder now visible on home PC w/explorer but can’t login. I’m waiting for WD reply… but may try the suggestion you posted a few posts back. I posted photos of properties of both for PC and notebook.

From WD, will be testing over next days but this got it working.



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