Can not access Personal Folder only Public and Time Machine backup

This has been going on gosh, for a very long time.

I know that I have files and such stored there, but have made do just using the Public folder . Now I am looking for files that might be in the Personal Folder from way back when I installed the MyCloud Home and I can not get to it. It asks me for user name and pswd, Access denied, contact account administrator or something to that extent.

I have tried absolutely every fix that I can locate on here and nothing works. I am using Windows 11 on a very powerful PC . The fix is something that I know that I’d look into eventually, but after a few failed attempts previously, I didn’t want to take the time.

Has anybody experienced this? I am pretty sure that I have seen similar. I sent a note to tech support, but they never responded.



This information has been pinned on the front page of this subforum since Aug 22, 2022.

You can access the ‘Personal Folders’ through the webapp (browser) by signing into your WD account. You can also access the personal folders in the Win11 OS file explorer by ‘enabling local access’ and this information is very much on the front page of this subforum, under ‘WD support videos’.

How To: Enable and Disable Local Network Access on your My Cloud Home | Western Digital Support