I have made a small video which i post link once edited which help show people what is I am wishing to do.
For now I explain in words.
I have USB drive plugged into the Weston ICloud it shows up all good.
I like to drag and drop video’s or images over to the actual iPad folder such as iPhoto where i edit at my leassure.
So at the moment I not able to do this I can only get share link, I have downloaded from other drive which is a Weston 2 TB into the Weston digital iCloud Drive to public folder, out of the 4 or 5 video’s I could save one to iPhoto the rest no.
Images appear to work but not PSD again I like to drag say onto a plugged in SD card which be say on a USB hub and put into a SD card read for the ipad as all RAF / RAW and PSD I can read on the ipad apps.
Re cap i just wish to drag and drop files movies and images to the iPhoto folder on a ipad nothing major anyone achieved this ?