DL4100 can I migrate drives to different bays?

I have a DL4100 with 4 bays. Only 2 bays are occupied (bays 1 and 2 from the left). The device keeps on shredding disks. Every few weeks I see a red light under the 1st bay, and the software tells me that Disk1 is bad. I put a new disk in, and a few weeks later it happens again. When I look a the disk status, it says “bad disk”, with an elevated temperature (disk 1 is at 41 degrees, disk 2 at 30). Since I have exchanged the disk a few times I suspect that something is wrong with bay 1. So, my question then: Can I migrate the disks to, say, bays 3 and 4, without losing the data?

Hi @Mike_Bode,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:https://support-en.wd.com/app/ask

GOOD LORD: Can’t WD provide a more informative response to the forum so that . . .you know. . . others may benefit?

To the questions:
If you swap bays. . .i believe you will get what is known as “raid roaming”.
So. . . .the default is to wipe the drives - - → But I suspect you can dig into the menus and reintegrate the bays.

How many times has this happened?
I would SERIOUSLY consider replacing this box.

REGARDLESS: backup the data to an external device ASAP.


Maybe you’re right and i should dump the box. It’s giving me nothing but problems anyway. I also have a PR4100, which is not much better. It reported one of the 4 disks as bad (RAID5, I think). And I needed up losing all the data because the box could not rebuild the RAID system with a new drive. Probably time to ditch the boxes and go to cloud storage…

How often has that happened? several times. In the past, every time I have taken the offending drive out and tested it on a different computer, they come back clean (no issues with the drives), which makes me think that it is the box, not the disk that is going bad, or at least the bay. this is the bay next to the electronics, so I am thinking that it just gets a bit too hot.

And, yes, WD is hopeless. This box is out of warranty, and I am not going to throw good money after bad for some advice that will likely amount to “get a new drive”.

Brand Syn*y makes good stuff; as does Q**p.
