Device offline

Can’t connect to WD MyCloudHome for the past few hours. It was working fine few days ago and I did not change any internet or other settings since then.

My device - White light in the front is stable. There are 2 green lights at the back, the lower light is stable and the upper light is blinking.

Anyone facing the same issue? Would this possible be a WD service problem?

It keeps saying “Device is offline”

MyCloud is not secure and most likely the unit has been attacked

Have you already checked here, ?

If the status shows everything is alright, then it’s time to troubleshoot.

User Manual: My Cloud Home and My Cloud Home Duo (

Thanks! Is it potentially a problem if there is only solid white light after I re-plug?

A mi me pasa exactamente igual, no se conecta y luz intermitente todo el tiempo, si lo has solucionado por favor dime como , a mi me lo regalaron hace 4 años lo conecte cuando me lo regalaron para probarlo y funcionaba , lo apague y hoy lo acabo de conectar para usarlo y nada luz intermitente y no permite el ultimo paso para conectarlo al ordenador

hello, you managed to find out the exact problem, I’ve had this problem for some time and I don’t know what to do about it… Thank you!

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I have same issue “Device is Offline”, and WD Support team cannot support me , and they advice me to " purchase a new device "!!!
I want to know what about Data ??? it’s lost or What ?

I just want my data taken off the drive and then throw it away.

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I have the same problem the support guy just told me I need to buy a new one!

But what about my Data?