My disk is running WD Smartware 2.4.16. It is almost full, but a large amount of space is taken up with backup stored under the WD_SmartWare folder. From other posts I gather this folder was used in older versions of WD Smartware, but now back up data is stored in WD SmartWare.swtore.
Can I safely delete the entire WD_Smartware folder assuming all the back-ups I need are now being stored in WD SmartWare.swtore? I have successfully run backups with the new version of the software (probably for several years). Are the old files independent?
Are there any files or folders in WD_SmartWare I should keep
Thanks, I noticed when I was checking the software version for the post that it wasn’t the most current. It is meant to update automatically so I will check why it has not and get current.
The folder that I am talking about is on my WD external drive where the backups are stored. These are the folders at the first level
The folders before the two WD folders are files I have stored directly on the disk without using WD Smartware. Then there is WD SmartWare.swstore which I think is the active backup folder and WD_SmartWare which I think is old
I have pasted below is the the contents of the WD_SmartWare folder. It looks like old backups, but I just would like some confirmation before I delete them. What are your thoughts?