Delete or change "public" folder?

I use MyCloud as a NAS to keep media on my local network. I placed everything in the “Public” folder initially and gave it non-public privileges. I would love to get rid of the term “public” on MyCloud because it just plain makes me nervous. Is there a way to change the name of this folder? or Do I need to make a new folder, move everything over to it and then can I delete it or hide it?

Thanks very much


The Public folder cannot be deleted or modified. You would have to relocate the files out of the Public share and set it to private with no access. It will still be seen on the network, but it will not be accessible.

Actually, this can be done rather easily!

I’ve managed to turn public off/on and also exclude from overall shares with a simple hack.

Using the latest firmware I’ve also found a bug that allows me to change public permissions just by using a particular combination of clicks on the dashboard,
A bit like the old bug that existed I believe.

Thanks for leaving the door open :blush:

could you please explain better what do you mean (with a bug)? If you turn off public in the Public Share and set no permissions then the Public share is not visible for the other users. That is how it sould be, or am I wrong?

Its not really an answer to the question, perhaps I was not clear. I know how to turn on/off the public, but what I am trying to do is either change the name of the public folder where all my media currently resides or do I need create a new folder and move that media over to it? I would like to end up with one folder with a name of my choosing on the NAS.



you can not delete or rename the share “public”.
But you can create other share and give it a name of your wish. Then move all of you data from the Public Share to the new share.
So , you will have 2 shares on you MyCloud. Your idea to have only one folder (=share) on the NAS can not be realized, it is my opinion - please correct me one if I am wrong.
BUT you can turn off the public option for the share “public” (and set no permissions for no one) and so this share will not be visible for any user connecting your MyCloud unit remotly. At least this are my observations and hope this it right?
Still, I didnt understand the answer from @PhatTrance and his statement about the bug he has found:hushed: I hope @PhatTrance can explain…
