Hi I have had trouble with my MyCloud… its really old ( like me ) … But I have got it going again … I note that the contents graph says its half full of data , but the new IP adressses / shares are different (… 106 ) but on win 10s - map my drive dropdowns say that there are shares with … 107 and 104s … I believe that’s where my data is stored …
Am I able to reacess these Ip’s … and salvage my data … please
What exact model do you have? What version of firmware is it?
“Going again”? What was wrong with it (if anything)? How long has it been offline?
Are you are able to log on to the admin dashboard with the “106” IP? Do you have 2 cables connected? If so, you should have 2 IP addresses for it. Do you?
Assuming you can logon from the admin dashboard, do all the shares show in the list?
If the IP address(es) have changed, you need to “Disconnect” all of the mapped drives and reconnect using the new IP. Write down what letter goes to each chare so you can reconnect them and keep the same drive mapping.
what you mean by admin dashboard ?? is it the control panel i.e home users shares safepoint settings … etc ??
Firmware v04.06.00.111:
In the back of the drive – 1 x power cable , 1 ethernet cable into my router via a multibox
Both Admin and my username have full access
I can disconnect all mapped drives … but cannot change the network locations ip address … unless what you are saying … is delete all the shares , and go to the (win10) computer … add a network location … then somehow specify the IP you want … this is an area I’m puzzled by …
Yes, like @cat0w posted. If you can log on with your browser, confirm the IP addresses. As an alternative, you can logon to your router and see what IP has been assigned.
So first verity the IP address of the device and post back. A pic or two would help.
When you map a persistent drive in Windows, Windows stores the location in the registry. It will also store the credentials used to gain access. If the IP address has changed, that location is no longer valid, So we have to edit the location to point to the new address. Since modifying the registry directly is not typically recommended. the best way is to simple disconnect the drive and re map them.
Just like if you moved to a new address., everyone else needs to update their contact list with your new address.
Yes its exactly the same … and the internet is on …
like you capacity mine shows … 101TB free but … videos 130mb … others 790mb nearly a TB
…this used space and these files I believe are from the setup and are … from \
now my system recognizes the drive as \ …
not 0.107 so the original 107 shares and files are not accessible …
There are only 2 files stored in my current 106 shares … by way of a test \
my firmware is v04.06.00-111
all I want to gain is access to the files … although none are critical … so if I have to format the drive … to gain access again to all the disk space … then so be it … also … I dont know how to reformat the drive and start over…is it system full factory restore ??
I tried to copy / paste as you did … but failed …
I believe that the solution quite possibly is to use regedit to repair this …
Kind regards … and many many thanks for your help , Paul