Customer No Service

Help!  I’m having problems with my RMA and no one at “customer service” can help or wants to help.   I need to speak to someone at WD who is located in the states and does not speak English as a part time hobby.   Can anyone help resolve a simple HD return issue without passing the buck?  I’m running out of time on my advance replacement and again, no one in whatever country WD is sending me to to resolve the issue cares.


The WD Community was created for Users, such as yourself, to help one another, and to share your experiences and ideas with one another. As Moderators, we are here simply to facilitate and oversee the community. If you have a question relating the what’s going on in the community, we will be happy to respond. However, if you are looking RMA support from WD, you will need to contact them in your region.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

That response was completely indicative of my own gripe with WD at this point.  The WD people used to have some inclination to make things right for customers, but those days appear to be gone.  While I understand its outside of this boards role to facilitate customer service requests, it would be a huge mistake for your customer service people NOT to monitor this forum and try and resolve issues before they tarnish your brand.

I am going through my own customer service ‘experience’ right now.  I had a Raptor drive fail after a year, no biggie I hammer it pretty hard, had the drive replaced, and a refurbished drive was shipped to replace it.  Within 2 weeks of the drive being installed I started losing sectors and after 2 months, XP was totally corrupt and required a reinstall, by month 3 drive had failed.  It happens right, got a bad refurb, in the past WD always made it right.  Today, not so much.

So I do the advanced RMA (effectively purchase the drive so its sent out sooner).  Its been 6 days and the replacement drive hasn’t even shipped yet.  Umm, I am totally down here guys!  Figured I would call support and ask about the drive being shipped.  Call into the support number, but none of the menu prompts were applicable, so I hit ‘0’ for an operator, at which point their system just disconnects you.  How dare I ask for additional service!!!  

So I follow a bunch of menu prompts into until I finally get someone, the wrong person of course, who transfers me to the right area.  I figure as long as I have someone I asked about not having to pay return shipping since the replacement drive failed so quickly.  WD has done this for me in the past in these cases I explain.  He chuckles and says, “The company has changed”.  Boy you got that right!

No eta on my ‘advanced replacement’ drive yet, but as of this writing its been a full business week and hasn’t even shipped.  If I had ordered a drive through Newegg (economy shipping) I’d be installing it in my machine tonight.

WD, your customer service has fallen to unacceptably low levels.  

RMA 81800026

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Update, just phoned in again and was told. “Sorry, all Raptor drives are out of stock”  and they have nothing that can even be substituted.  I was told to just wait, it might be 1 day, it might be a week.

WD, watch and learn:

Newegg order for SSD Drive (_non-WD of cours_e)

Submitted: 03/19/2010 02:25 PM

Shipped:   03/19/2010 04:05 PM

and that was without their ‘Rush Service’

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Hey, there are a few of the old guard WD guys left, just a bit harder to reach than they should be.  Many thanks to the gentleman who is working to get this resolved to my satisfaction.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated and renewed my faith in WD, albeit a bit later than I would have preferred.  

With somewhere around 10TB of WD drives in my home machine, it would have been disconcerting to think the old ways were entirely gone.

Unfortuately, I only saw your case this morning.  But your case was escalated, as soon as I saw it.