Creating an email like for a 50GB folder stored on my WD NAS drive?

I know this has been asked many times before. I still use the MY Cloud OS 3. I know it is discontinued but I wonder if there is any way I can create a email link to this large folder. It seems to me that the public share with that folder should be still accessible if I can get a link to the file. However, I no longer have the browser connection to do that. It stopped working. Is there anyway to do this???

Is the email going to someone within the same local network as the My Cloud?

Various online posts can be found explaining how to email a link to files stored on a local hard drive or local network NAS for people to access on the same local network. For example:

If you are trying to email someone a link for remote access to a file stored on a OS3 My Cloud then you’ll have to roll your own method of remote access (VPN, insecure FTP, etc.) and provide that person the remote access information to access the OS3 My Cloud Share, subfolder, or file.