Continuous blue flashing on my WD MyCloud Gen2


I’ve been having a lot of troubles connecting my WD MyCloud Gen2 2TB of size though it was working properly till few months back. Now it is continuously flashing blue and not connecting.

I tried the fixes tat suggest the Telnet when using the USBRecovery method with the boot folder and the 4 files included, and upon restart it blinks yellow/red. I followed all the steps and restarted twice after entering all commands from the Telnet function.

I removed the power plug afterwards and rebooted then it blinked red continuously and I tried to “apply” from the “safe mode” multiple bin files (only accepting the .bin) and it either mention errors, disconnection and always not working. The only one that worked and rebooted was the My_Cloud_GLCR_2.42.115 and after starting again, it is back blinking in blue and not showing on my network.

I need help please and I don’t need the data on the drive. How best can I go about this?

If you have a second generation WDMYCLOUD single bay with OS5 the Firmware should be as shown below.

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After all what I have applied, I’m back to square one where I have the blue light flashing rapidly and not showing on the network at all.

So . . . .do you know if the unit is pulling a valid IP address?

I would do a 4 or 40 second reset (google it); which will wipe the configuation settings. Then, presumably, you have a router running DHCP; which will assign the Device a valid IP address.

The unit was pulling an IP addres before using the firmware update My_Cloud_GLCR_2.42.115; after that, upon the reboot, it is constantly blinking blue and the unit is not showing on the network even when checked by linux arp -a or by checking on windows with Advanced IP scanner or the router page itself.

I’ve tried the 4 seconds reset & the +40 seconds with no change as it constantly blinking blue with no change.

I have the device already set on the DHCP settings and nothing is showing.

The only way to go back is to redo the USBRecovery processes again and go back to the blinking yellow/red and perform the telnet process till I reset as per the below and even tried it on sda3 and sda2:

e2fsck /dev/sda3 (after this it would ask you to confirm fix the poor section of the machine, just yes to all)
reboot -f (then machine would reboot, keep the usb in the machine and wait for red/yellow light, then research the ip of Mycloud and re-enter the Telnet again by those ip)

(Then type each of below commands over Telnet)

mkdir -p /mnt/usb /mnt/root
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/root
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb
cp -r /mnt/usb/boot /mnt/root/
cd /mnt/root/boot
rm uImage uRamdisk
mv uImage-wdrecovery uImage
mv uRamdisk-wdrecovery uRamdisk
cd /
umount /mnt/root /mnt/usb
reboot -f (Machine would reboot, wait for the red/yellow flash light, then unplug the power and remove the usb. Then plug-in the power to reboot the machine again)

After reboot the machine would come from rapid blue flash light to rapid red flash light

Search the MyCloud ip again and then you could use your laptop which connect into same router to go into those ip directly by browser.

You could now enter the recovery UI. Then choose the firmware you download from the above page and click apply. Then the MyCloud would update the firmware and reboot. Afterward all is fixed!!!


So I’m really confused on what else to be done. The HDD is in a good state, my problem is in the settings.

When using the any of the below files after following all the processes, I receive “Upload firmware fail. Please retry again.”

Tried again with no success


Some WD Support Articles that may or may not help.
My Cloud: Blinking Blue Drive LED
Blinking White or Blue Power LED on My Cloud
What Do LED Blinking White, Blue, or Solid Amber Mean on My Cloud?

If you haven’t done so already, try searching for past discussions on blinking/flashing blue front LED. There are quite a few posts and discussions about it both in the OS5 section and OS3 section. A few deal with the issue occuring when trying to flash from v2.x firmware to v5.x firmware. Could be a suggestion in one of those other posts may help.



Thank you Bennor, the problem is, I upgraded to OS5 long ago and everything was excellent. But suddenly, couple of months ago, the Blue LED blinks continuously,

After several trials on all recovery methods I managed to have it working again by using the firmware My_Cloud_GLCR_2.31.163 noting that before I have these problems, I have already upgraded to OS5. Now, the WDMC is connected to the network, however, it is not discovering the HDD!!!

I cannot manually check for updates as it is dimmed, possibly because it cannot see the partition. I will wait to have it auto-update and give you feedback.

Are you saying the Manual Update in the Dashboard is dimmed and you can’t use it?

You can download the update firmware, place the file where you can find it. I normally place it on my desktop so it’s easy to find. You then open the Dashboard and perform the manual update by choosing the file you just downloaded. Wait for the update to complete and you get a message that it was successful.

Download Software, Firmware and Drivers for WD Products

Let me clarify, I am able to reach the Safe Mode with several ways mentioned on the platform, however, whenever I try to use any firmware I downloaded from WD firmware & drivers, it does not accept and after restart, the device keep flashing blue with now change. The only time it accessed the dashboard, was when I chose “Cancel” on this step “mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB” so I ended up with 6 partitions.

Then on the Dashboard, it wanted me to setup the RAID mode as it did not feel the hard drive (normally it should be 7 partitions).

This is where I get stuck and unable to update the firmware. HELP please


You need to wait until all devices are back online!

When WD has everything working again you would need to open the Dashboard and go to Settings>Firmware Update>Manual Update and perform the update by clicking on the file you downloaded and the update should take place. When it has completed and rebooted you should receive a notice that the update was successful. See example image below.

Western Digital is currently experiencing a service outage impacting the following products: My Cloud, My Cloud Home, My Cloud Home Duo, My Cloud OS5, SanDisk ibi, SanDisk Ixpand Wireless Charger.

We are working to restore service. We apologize for any inconvenience. Service Status and updated notifications can be monitored at

Thank you @cindy.zhang & @cat0w, I know that currently WD is undergoing a complete ***up, but the issue is that even before the Crashdown they are facing right now, I was not able to access the dashboard at all after the many resets & recoveries I’ve done.

So the option of manual update to the firmware is not possible with me.

I will wait till things are back with WD and see how I can work around.

Summary of my status, that I am unable to access the dashboard, I can only access the device through TELNET & SSH, I managed to do the suggestions about setting the partitions and I have on the “Safe Mode” screen, the Firmware Version: 1.01.007 but not a single .bin file is accepted when flashed from the “Safe Mode” and it keeps blinking blue.

If you have a second generation single bay My Cloud then try the unbrick methods mention here:
There are two methods, if the first doesn’t work, try the second. Make sure to create and format the partitions exactly as indicated. Files used with those directions:
Firmware Release 2.42.115 (1/18/2022)
Firmware Release 5.26.119 (1/5/2023)

I’ve tried both and didn’t work. The thing that I might be mistaken with, is probably the two firmware versions you’ve mentioned;; Should I start by the 2.42.115 first, and then continue to the 5.26.119?

I’ve started with the 2.42.115 and it is now stuck on the red light. Will wait and see how things will turn out to be. As it was booting up, it showed on the network and I tried to access the dashboard and it said “The system is booting up, please wait.” - It is then removed from the network, but I will wait & see.

If it works, I will then update the firmware Release 5.26.119

Hi there, where did you find those firmware download links?
Can you also find firmware links for home duo devices? Thanks

The information and file links mentioned in this discussion are for the My Cloud ONLY!!!

The My Cloud Home is a completely different device using a completely different operating system. See the support page for your My Cloud Home device:

From the My Cloud Home support download section with respect to firmware:

Automatically Updating the firmware on your My Cloud Home Duo

The firmware on this device is updated by over the air update.
When a new firmware is available it will be pushed to the device automatically

How to Upgrade My Cloud Home Firmware

My Cloud Home Firmware Update Instructions

How is it going? Did the unit “reappear” on the network while loading 2.42.115?

If you can get a O/S recovery screen; you should be able to load any valid O/S onto the device. Note that to get fully running with os/5; i believe you need the WD servers to be running at least to register the device.

Your downgrade to OS3 (2.42.115) might have have been successful but you may just have a bad drive now? Have you tried going through the process with a new drive?

(The most common reason for the original flashing blue light is a failed or corrupted auto firmware update - always turn that off!)