Gen2 - blinking blue light

Hi there,

I have a MyCloud, 2nd Gen (WDBCTL0020HWT-10), attached to my network and it has a blue blinking light and it’s not accessible. How can I fix it?

In case you mention this… yes, I’ve looked around and saw instructions from Fox_exe on how to fix it, however… the links he provided don’t exist anymore. I don’t see the original firmware and the link for the tar.gz file doesn’t work anymore either.

Does anyone know what to do now… how to remedy this?

If you haven’t done so already, do a search through this subforum for blinking blue LED and you’ll find a number of past discussions. For some the “indexing” the My Cloud does can potentially cause the unit to become unresponsive and have a flashing blue LED, particularly after turning the unit on or power cycling the unit. If this is the case some have had luck just leaving the unit alone for a day or three till the indexing finishes.

Someone mirrored the repository of Fox_exe’s files to another location, the second gen single bay My Cloud files from that repository can be found at the following link;


My Cloud OS 5 Online User Manual (

Doesn’t blue blinking light imply that the network connection (your home network) not working right?

Check cables.

Check if router setting have changed (do you have a hard coded IP on the NAS; and the router IP default ranges have changed?)

Consider 4 or 40 second resets.

Reboot NAS. (Rebooting not recommended if you think that indexing might be happening)

Blinking blue LED can indicate a number of issues:
What Do LED Blinking White, Blue, or Solid Amber Mean on My Cloud?
My Cloud: Blinking Blue Drive LED
LED Status, Alert Codes, Descriptions, and Email Notifications for WD My Cloud
My Cloud: Solid and Blinking Red Power and Drive LED Status

Thank you all for the feedback. I don’t think it’s a network issue. I’ve rebooted the device several times, have had it off for a while and restarted it, and even have had it on for several days. No change to the blue blinking LED. I’ll probably have to go through fox_exe’s document and see if that resolves anything. Thank you, Bennor, for the files!

I am trying to follow the instructions, but:

  1. (Original firmware) => doesn’t work. Does anyone know where to get the correct firmware?
  2. I tried to connect to the device via Telnet… but it doesn’t work.
    I get: “Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failed”. I’ve tried to open the port on my firewall, to no avail…
    (I’ve tried telnet and tried another address… of a bbs I used to visit decades ago… and that connected without an issue, so I doubt it’s blocking port 23 on my computer…)

If you are looking for the firmware for the single bay My Cloud, one can download it from the My Cloud support page for the product:

My Cloud OS 5
Version: Firmware Release 5.26.300 (6/20/2023)
Release Notes

If the OS5 firmware doesn’t work for the second gen single bay My Cloud one may have to use the older v2.x firmware which is available at that same WD support link.

My Cloud OS 3
Version: Firmware Release 2.42.115 (1/18/2022)
Release Notes

As for the connection… I made sure I connected everything and rebooted the mycloud… I’m in now. (different ip)

How long does it take to install the firmware? (the installation itself… when it runs…)

so far 1 hour and 20 minutes and counting… it’s like it doesn’t install or something…

I stopped the firmware install (obviously… not going anywhere).

Today I hooked up the drive the way I had it before (hard wired), and I was on the network hard wired as well and tried the older (OS3) firmware and that went through without an issue! I couldn’t login afterward though (through the web interface). Had to do the 4sec reboot three times before I was able to log in. Reset my pw, changed the IP to what I wanted and rebooted. All went well! So far, so good.

Then about an hour ago I started the upgrade to OS5 through uploading the firmware I had downloaded from the website. I think it’s still running… as in that I am unable to get to my drive through the web interface… and the blue light is blinking again…

I assume it’s … just reindexing everything? Or should I have done something different at this point??

@Bennor I did the upgrade to OS5, but the device is blinking again. I may assume this is because it’s reindexing? Do you know if that would be the case? I can’t connect to the device in any way, shape or form (over the network). I probably have 500Gb of data on it… any idea how long it’ll take before the device SHOULD work again?

And if not… I could start over and do NOT do the upgrade to OS5… but would that be a smart thing to do? (I only need network access to it… no access from the internet to the drive)

On the second gen single bay My Cloud the indexing can take some time. Some have had it take days. If you haven’t done so already you may want to use the forum search feature (magnifying glass icon top right) and read through other posts and discussions where users had issues with a blinking blue light after updating their OS5 firmware. Perhaps there is a suggestion there on what to do.

Thank you, Bennor for all your directions!

I did the whole procedure over again to get the OS3 firmware installed. Did that without issues. However, noticed that there aren’t any shares. So I restarted the procedure and followed the directions from fox_exe to format the drive. Tried to install the OS5 firmware… wasn’t going anywhere, so I installed the OS3 firmware. I’m on the drive… see the accounts (after which I deleted most of them). But there is no share. No volume. Nothing. The Diagnostics area says there’s an issue: Drive Status: Fault. (no red light though). I ran utilities and there’s a disk issue.

On the bright side of things… I did have a copy of the drive on another external drive. So at least I have the data. (plus a copy in the cloud)

I’m very done with WD Mycloud. It’s slow. I’ve had issues with OS5 now for a while. It’s taking WAY too much time to … finally find out that there’s a disk issue. Finding this out AFTER a format. Just weird. Not sure if it has to do with the formats…
I’ve purchased an external ssd drive and plugged that into the usb port of my router. In my router I can configure the access. It’s MUCH faster than the WD Mycloud ever was. I’ll just keep the config of having 2 external drives… and go forward with that route without the WD Mycloud.

TL;DR WD Mycloud is bricked. Done with it all… using an external SSD through USB port of router. Much faster.