Constant indexing resulting in fan and slow access = Nearing the end of my patience with OS5

This is more of a whine than a community help request because as I can see from similar posts WD either has no remedy, or does not care to offer it on this forum.

I’m referring to OS5’s constant file indexing, which causes the fan to noisily run constantly, all of which negativity impacts access. Consequently my bulk file uploads and downloads are taking on average 30% more time to complete with OS5 than on OS3…how do I know, because with OS3 I knew almost exactly how long to take a break for when uploading a file of a given size and OS5 is the only change in my entire ecosystem.

At some point soon I either use the downgrade to OS3 procedures posted on this forum by a user (not WD) or switch to an alternate brand and dump the EX2 Ultra.

I have seen no real attempt by WD to address the indexing problem other than say either
5.05.115 fixed the indexing issue… I have 5.05.115, no change to indexing status for me…
or ‘they are working on it’ …that was Nov 4 2020…
or the most ridiculous of all in their Update on My Cloud OS 5 Feedback “If you do not need to use the mobile and web app, you can turn off Cloud Access from the web dashboard and that will stop the indexing.” which IMHO is equivalent to saying if you don’t need to drive anywhere you should not use your car. MyCloud devices are for Cloud Access, duh!
My cat suggested I could unplug it, that would stop the indexing.

I understand issues arise, and beta testing does not always surface all issues …but the noise on this forum (pun intended) about indexing (amongst many other OS5 issues) is very consistent and clear.
WD, we need to hear what you are doing about it, and when, in clear language with dates.

// start end of whine
// whine ended

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Note: Turning off cloud access eliminates usage of wd apps. You can still access the devices away from home using FTP and VPN tools.

(I suspect, but cannot confirm, that the indexing issue and several other issues related to the web appse were noted during beta testing)

Revert to OS3, t least it was functional and your HDD’s would definitely live longer. OS5 may be usable one day but that day is at least several months away. Beware, it only applies to PR2100/PR4100 now (I’ve successfully reverted on PR4100).

You may be one firmware behind ?

Thanks for your reply NAS_user …I really have no idea how would I access MyCloud EX2 Ultra on its private IP via VPN/FTP away from home, can you explain?

Thanks mirge101 …I’m still deciding if its worth my time or just by an alternate manufacturers device.

Thanks Cordord …I’m actually on 5.08.115 but mistyped 5.05.115. Good catch and thanks for pointing it out …wish I was just one magical version behind :slight_smile:

I’m facing similar issue. There are a lot of features removed in OS5, like Port forwarding and using USB attached storage as unified space. With no improvement in the performance I’m planning to go with another brand (still researching).
I’m on the same wifi network and still it takes atleast 20s to show the folders on the app. Using windows explorer I can access fast but that’s not the primary purpose I bought this device. I use VPN but that doesn’t help either.
