Connecting MyCloud Directly to Laptop

Hello Everyone,

I have some issue with directly connecting mycloud to my laptop.
Probably someone made the same question but I couldn’t find any thread with same issue. so sorry if this annoys you.
So I have Dell XPS and it’s connected to a docking station with an ethernet port and it’s connected with thunderbolt cable.

mycloud ----(ethernet)— docking station —(thunderbolt)— laptop

I can see the ethernet connection(unidentified network) but cannot access to mycloud.
Anybody can help me? I just want to use it like an external hard drive.

If using Windows. First step is to ensure SMB1.0 is enabled. Microsoft typically disables this setting through Windows updates and in new Windows 10 installs.

How to Enable SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support on Windows 10

Next see the following WD Support Knowledgebase Article, in particular the section/topic Connect the My Cloud and Computer.

How to Access a My Cloud Dashboard When Connected Directly to a Computer

As the above knowledgebase article indicates one may have to reset their My Cloud if one previously configured their My Cloud with a static IP using the My Cloud Dashboard.

How to Reset a My Cloud (single bay) Device

Other troubleshooting steps. Check the Windows Network settings and make sure Network Profile is set to Private and not Public. If using third party security/firewall software and one is having trouble accessing or seeing their My Cloud device one may have to temporarily disable that software to see if it is causing the issue.

Note that a My Cloud is not an “external hard drive”. It is a network attached storage device. It will show up in Windows as a network device not as an external or internal hard drive. As such some programs/software that cannot access a network attached storage device will not see a My Cloud that has been directly connected to a computer using the Ethernet port. And no, the My Cloud USB port cannot be connected to one’s computer either, the My Cloud USB port is for attaching external hard drive devices to expand the My cloud storage and use to backup the My Cloud to a USB attached hard drive.

Thank you so much! it is working now :heart_eyes: