Computer cannot find drive

When loading the installation disc for my newly purchased MyBookLive 3Tb the system cannot find the driver so I can’t get past the first screen. I have triple-checked connections and router/network but no change. Any ideas anyone please?

Thanks in advance 

Skip the CD and manually map the drive

here you go

I am having the same issue of getting nowhere on the installation CD–even with a downloaded firmware update for MAC.

I followed your advice and found this link for MACs from your listed link  (excellent advice), but am receiving an error message…

Finder > Go > Connect to Server > tried both smb://wdsharespace and smb://mybookworld > Error message reads: There was a problem connecting to the server “mybookworld,” The server may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again.

I’ve doublechecked the cables, plugins, and the amber light on the back of the WD My Book Live. All are fine. My MAC just cannot seem to see it plugged into the router, NEITHER does my HP.

Side note: Router is WNDR3400v2 NETGEAR.

Do I need to download something else to make my MAC see the WD wirelessly? Thanks in advance for any assistance. :slight_smile:

Well, it looks like my router is probably the issue. NETGEAR