Can't access dashboard

Connected MyCloud yesterday, installed setup and quickview on wondows 8. The dashboard loaded and said that the firmware needed updating. This I did and the cloud was restarted. Since then I cannot get the dashboard to open using the quickview or browser. I can see the folders on the network but that is all. I need the dashboard to work as I want to setup my iPhone to access the cloud.

Any advice would be appreciated.


If you are using Windows 8.1 then you’re more than likely to be using IE11. I had the same problem and to me it looks like the cause of the problem is bad cache. Close your browser and do the following.

  1. WB + X Select Command Prompt (Admin)

  2. Type in ipconfig/flushdns Press Enter and close

WB + I Select Control Panel Network and Internet Internet Options Delete Browser History and Cookies, Kake sure you tick all the boxes and then delete browser history and try again.

Go back to IE11 and then try again. If this doesn’t work, then use Google Chrome as it works fine.

I use either Firefox or Chrome. haven’t used IE for years. I have Windows 8.1 on one PC and Windows on another. Neither will access the Dashboard using the software or via a browser.

Well I have removed all the WD software from both PC’s, reset MyCloud then swithed everything off and left for 8 hours while I’ve had a sleep. I have now started everything and the both pc’s will not access the dahboard via any browser. Both say they can’t establish a connection.

I then went to the software and loaded the MyCloud setup program. First screen get started OK. Then accept the license agreement. Then I have to check the LED is steady blue whicj it is. Then you select your cloud (you see the serial no here and IP address) then it is checking and that’s where it ends. A message comes up to say there is a problem.

We’ve detected that you may not be able to:

Configure the device (settings etc)

And that’s as far as it will go.

I have a virginmedia super hub which the Cloud is connected directly to. Do I need to do any changes to the settings in the VM hub?

Well I have tried to get this working today but have given up. Will get in touch with tech support tomorrow before sending it back.

Have you tried accessing it via direct IP address of the My Cloud?


I have tried the software, http://wdmycloud, All without success.

According to WD My Net View it is on the network as a media server but it doesn’t show up as a HDD.

Does anyone know if the IP address on the MyCloud has got to have port 80 forwarding to it on the router?

Anyway I did send tech support an email yesterday but with no reply as yet.

Hi alan2605,

Have you been able to fix your issue?

I have the same issue on my side.


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  1. Copy the LINK into Firefox (then close IE), or

  2. Set Firefox as your default browser so it automatically launches.

Everything worked fine for me in Firefox. Things that now work that did NOT in IE were:

a) Firmware updates

b) Diagnostics

c) Changing the GMT TIME


The firmware update didn’t fix these issues.

My relevant details:

  • Windows 8.1 64-bit

  • Avast 2014 Internet Security

  • Firefox (latest)

Hi Photonboy,

I still have the same issue with Firefox.

Here is the message I get with Firefox:

Unable to connect

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at

If I try instead to connect to the twonky web page (, it works well.

It is only the main dashboard (port 80) that is broken.

Thanks in advance for your help.

The same happend to me yesterday (after 7 days of usage)! Anyone got a solution so far?

Additionally my device has become extremly slow (1-2 MB/s) thus I can’t really access my data anymore! Is there any solution!? I contacted WD support, but no response until now. The device don’t responds to the “reset” button either.

I desperately need to get my data back before I can throw awway this (brand new) piece of electronic scrap! I am really close to ripping the case apart, grap the HDD, put it into a USB case in order to restore my data. Has anyone ever opend the housing? There are no screws visible - I am more than willing to trash the device but not the HDD.

Any ideas ?

Thanks a lot!

sancho-fx1 wrote:

The same happend to me yesterday (after 7 days of usage)! Anyone got a solution so far?


Additionally my device has become extremly slow (1-2 MB/s) thus I can’t really access my data anymore! Is there any solution!? I contacted WD support, but no response until now. The device don’t responds to the “reset” button either.


I desperately need to get my data back before I can throw awway this (brand new) piece of electronic scrap! I am really close to ripping the case apart, grap the HDD, put it into a USB case in order to restore my data. Has anyone ever opend the housing? There are no screws visible - I am more than willing to trash the device but not the HDD.


Any ideas ?

Thanks a lot!

Your post is a little off topic but i will try to help you.

Your speed problem is a different matter you have a problem in your lan setup (wifi and/or 100mbps devices).

If you still have access to the device **via ethernet (please no wifi for data recover! ) **then map shared folders in your os and copy your data to a backup (your PC HDDs or external HDDs) using utils like free file sync and/or file managment like teracopy.

I’m facing the same problem as described by alan2605 on 10-25-2013; and apparently jusbriss encounters the same.
No dashboard when trying to access or http://wdmycloud.
PC and MyCloud are in the same Workgroup.
Same issue when connecting via Wifi or directly via ethernet.
Access is posible to Twonky (
In Windows Explorer, MyCloud NAS is visible and accessable (R/W) and also the mediaserver is visible.
However, access to the NAS configuration page (port 80 / html) always fails.
I scannned the network for open ports with PortScan of Essential NetTools, and it returned that following ports are open:
21(ftp), 111(sunrpc), 139(netbios-ssn), 445(microsoft-ds), 9000, 49153. the SSH port is not open.
Standard reset (4 sec) or system reset (40 sec at power-on) do not solve the problem.

Any suggestions?

did you happen to resolve this!?

I tiried reset, restarted the device, the network, flushing cache relasing and assiging new IP all effort is just waste of my time. Its just been a week since i have this device and its not a happy experience so far. Now even the media server on my TV and windows not showing up as well

Do share what the final outcome was.


Try another browser or download QuickView

I solved this problem:)

Shortcat on pulpit has different ip adress than your wd claud.

you can change it manually.

I’m having trouble accessing the dashboard too.

It appears in my finder okay, but not through the browser. 

I get this when i go to the IP address or http://wdmycloud.local (and without the .local)  :

HTTP Status 404 - TCP relay failed - Socket connection retries exceeded

type  Status report

message  TCP relay failed - Socket connection retries exceeded

description  The requested resource (TCP relay failed - Socket connection retries exceeded) is not available.





Try with firefox or chrome.


I’m not progressing, no solution yet. Indeed this is not a happy experience. When reading the disclaimer of next links


Congratulations. However, can you give more details? The IP address of the NAS and the Mediaserver should be the same, the ports are only different.


What do you mean with ‘my finder’? ‘WD Discovery’?
I noticed that device information from both servers can be extracted via:


Firefox or chrome, it doesn’t solve anything.

Considering the disclaimer mentioned, I may return the unit to the shop.

My unit got stuck with no access to the dashboard after I requested a refresh of the content scan. I had to reset the unit using the back button. I didn’t need to go for a full system restore using the reset button. The unit came back on. I had to reboot a coupe of times after that to finish off the scanning process.