I can see and access My Cloud from my iMac & MBA at home without any issue. My new MBP cannot see it ( or my time capsule) in Finder.
It is on the same network & I can see it if I click on network in finder, it just doesn’t show under locations in Mojave. I can mount folder within it, but then they unmount if in close finder.
I am at a loss to explain why I cannot see it permanently in finder like I can on my other mac’s.
Any help out there?
I am not sure either. It has been a long time since I had a new MBP. However, I am using Mojave.
Try the following:
- OpenFinder
- click preferences
- Under Location Heading “tick” connected servers
See if that shows up.
In addition try connecting to it from Finder->Go->Connect to Server
and see what happens,
Thank you. I have tried all that. First option does nothing. Second one will connect to a folder on drive but disappears when I close finder unlike my iMac
Maybe I misunderstood, but try connecting to wdmycloud (as a server) not to a folder or a share. ie.you have to be on the root of the drive.
I am unable to do this, when I choose the drive to connect to, I am asked which folder I wish to choose…
OK. Do that. Connect to the server and when asked which folder/share choose any (don’t choose a subfolder). Now, it should appear in Finder.
Now click on any other locations such as a hard disk then click back on the server in Locations, it should show you all the folders (shares) in the root.
I just did that and the server appears in finder. which when clicking on it shows me the usual root of wdmycloud (in this case I used the IP address as I already have wdmycloud in locations. it showed the server with IP address).
Additionally what happens in you click on network (under locations) or from the menu bar Go-Network? do you see it?
Yes but when I close finder it disappears. On my iMac it stays connected…
just to be sure did you add it to the users? in System preferences->users and groups->login items and still disappears?
Also, Finder->preferences->connected servers is also on as well?
OK. let try.
- connect to the server
- closer finder.
- hold the option key and right click on Finder
- you should see relaunch option. click on that. Things will disappear for a couple seconds and it will come back. HOPEFULLY FINDER WILL REMEMBER.
You could also try mounting manually:
- open a terminal and create a temporary directory example TEST (mkdir ~/TEST)
- mount -t smbfs //guest:@IPADRESSOFSERVER/public ~/TEST
change directory to TEST
open Finder, check if it appears there then close Finder and reopen again.
Finally to unmount do
umount ~/TEST
Note; if guest does not work use the form
mount -t smbfs //username:passwrd@server/share ~/TEST
use your user name and your share and your ip address for server