Cannot access drive with out internet

Dear Friends / Support,
I am not able to access Personal My Cloud shared folders or drives without internet. I have many my cloud products and this is the last version I bought and it is not accessible.

Please Help.
Junus Johnson

More information is needed. Which specific My Cloud device/model is exhibiting the problem? Do you have a My Cloud or My Cloud Home device? the My Cloud Home is different than the My Cloud line of products and has it’s own subfourm:

What operating system are you using that is exhibiting the problem?

Are the computers on the local network within the same IP address pool range as the My Cloud?

Dear Benner, it is my cloud home.

when I connect, the shared folder appears. I want to use the shared folder without internet like my other cloud devices.

The My Cloud Home is different than the My Cloud device. See the dedicated subforum for the My Cloud Home. this subforum (My Cloud) is generally for the single bay My Cloud devices which are different than the My Cloud Home devices.

If you haven’t done so already read the My Cloud Home documentation from the WD Support website. It explains how to use the My Cloud Home device.

The My Cloud Home device does not operate like the older My Cloud devices as Home users have come to find out.

I saw in the support and sites that my cloud home cannot be used as an offline storage, It needs internet. Is there any possibility to convert to normal cloud. any patch??

please help. I have an offline environment.

Return the product if you can if it does not suit your needs to work in an offline environment. This is mostly a user to user support forum. I do not have a My Cloud Home device nor have ever used one. Check the My Cloud Home subforum and ask in there if there is any workaround to the limitations of that device.