I have been working on my own firmware version, just to include some packages in it.
Let me explain my experience a little bit, because I have seen some inconsistencies from my own 1.07.02 firmware version and the oficial one. I only included one package in the compilation process, no other changes in the official distributale from WD for this firmware version:
- I think that the device is not running the battery performance improvements added in the recent firmwares. Is there a way to check this point? It is quite important I guess.
- I have noticed better overall performance improvement: faster ftp, and other services, …
- Dashboard shows more info in the wireless setup section:
a) I can manage stored wifi connections (delete them, modfied it, change password, … With the official 1.07.02 firmware I don’t have these options),
b) I see in the wifi networks some conection properties: WPS, password encription, … I don’t see this info with the offical firmware.
Any clue about this behaviour is appreciated.
Thank you!