Board failure?

I have a MBLD (about 4 years old) with 2 x 2TB drives (WD Green) in RAID 1.

The MBLD no longer connects to the network, and exhibits the following symptoms:

On power up, LED goes from blue to solid green.

Drives are running and quiet.

Ethernet lights on router and MBLD are green, although the light on the MBLD now blinks slower than normal.

I can not access Dashboard by typing IP address into browser.

WD software is not detecting MBLD.

MBLD does not respond to ping (whereas all of my other network devices do).

The reset button does nothing.  No reboot occurs.

After removing the drives from MBLD and connecting each to laptop with USB-to-SATA adapter to ensure drives were OK:

  • both drives are detected by Device Manager
  • both drives are visible in Disk Manager
  • the partitions are as expected… so I think my data is still intact, but…
  • Windows explorer does not recognize the drive and allow me to actually see the files on the drive.

Bottom line… the drives appear to be OK, but something on the board in the MBLD seems to be dead.

  1. Any solutions to getting the MBLD to respond on the network?   Or…
  2. Any solution to getting Windows Explorer to recognize the drives (via a USB adapter) so I can transfer files to another NAS?  (e.g. is it a “basic disk” vs “dynamic disk” configuration issue because of the size of the drives?)
  1. try connecting MBLD directly to your PC via ethernet cable. read owner’s manual about this method.  Reboot MBLD when doing this obviously.  This is an attempt to isolate the connection problem and to ensure it is not an issue with your router. 

  2. When you did a reset on teh MBLD are you sure that you did it exactly as instructed in the owner’s manual? make sure.  it matters. 

  3. debrick using a guide on this forum.

if after all that it still does not work, then you can infer it is a hardware failure.    You can use windows software to connect via usb-sata to the removed disks to read the ext3 partititons and transfer the data off.

Followed 1 and 2 to the letter.  No effect.  

The Ethernet port on the back of the MBLD lights up when cable is connected, so there is at least the recognition of a connection between MBLD and router (or PC).  But MBLD will still not register on, or map to, my computer (or any other computer) whether connected by router or directly to the Ethernet port.  All other router functions and connections on my network are normal and good.  The router is good.  

The MBLD was configured with a static IP (as are several devices on my network that still function). I can’t change that setting for troubleshooting because I can’t access the MBLD Dashboard, nor can I reset the MBLD.  Pressing the reset button (and feeling the microswitch “click”) as per user instructions appears to do nothing.  No reboot, no blinking lights, no power down… nothing.

Will try to option 3 later.

barkster wrote:Pressing the reset button (and feeling the microswitch “click”) as per user instructions appears to do nothing.  No reboot, no blinking lights, no power down… nothing.


You’re not simply pressing it, but holding it down the prescribed time, correct?