Backup Files on MyCloud/MyBook

I want to store my music & photo’s on my My Cloud drive. Question is how can I automatically back these up onto the My Book that is on the same network? Smartware does not see it as a drive to be backed up.

Are you asking if you can backup the music/photos that are stored on your My Cloud drive TO your My Book drive? Or are you asking if you can use the Smartware software to backup your music/photos from your computer to your My Book drive?

I don’t recall if you could use the “File Backup Mode” on the Smartware program to backup from the WD My Cloud (mapped drive for example) to the My Book drive.

To backup the WD My Cloud you can use its built in SafePoint feature to backup to either a USB drive attached to the WD MY Cloud or another NAS on the local network. For more information about creating SafePoint’s see the following WD Support link.

How to create a Safepoint backup of a WD My Cloud drive on another device

To use Smartware to backup your computer to your My Book drive you should be able to change the Backup Target area of the Home screen from the WD My Cloud to the My Book if it is found and listed by the Smartware program. See the Smartware User Manual, in particular Chapter 5 Backing Up Files for more information.


Thanks for your reply.

Don’t safepoints copy the whole drive? I only want to backup individual folders. I don;t have enough space on my LiveBook to back everything up to it.

Am I expecting too much? If so, can’t understand why. backup something up on a drive I thought would be very basic.

Yes SafePoint generally backsup the entire drive. Without using SSH, which may void the WD My Cloud warranty, one will probably have to use a backup software program on a computer to copy the specific folders/files to another location or storage device.

Activating SSH on the WD My Cloud may give you the option to backup certain files/folders to other locations from the WD My Cloud, or to modify the “exclusions” list for SafePoint so it excludes the files/folders you don’t want backed up. There are potential issues when using SSH or when modifying and using the SafePoint exclusions file. See the following link for one possible way to use SSH to backup certain shares on the WD My Cloud (to a USB drive).

backup certain shares to usb

I find it very strange that it is so hard to backup data that is being held on a external drive. Is there any software out there that will do it? Seems as if Western Digital don’t see the need to backup data held on their external drives.

Sorry I meant to ask what is ‘SSH’?

Gerry_4 wrote:

I find it very strange that it is so hard to backup data that is being held on a external drive. Is there any software out there that will do it? Seems as if Western Digital don’t see the need to backup data held on their external drives.

The WD My Cloud DOES have a backup feature built into, its called “Safepoint”. See the “Safepoints” menu choice in the WD My Cloud Dashboard. It will perform a backup of the entire drive to a USB drive attached to the WD My Cloud or to another network attached drive on the local network. See the WD My Cloud User Manual for more information on Safepoint and how to configure it to backup the WD My Cloud device.

If you only want to backup certain files and folders and not the entire WD My Cloud drive then you will have to use a 3rd party backup program to do so. There are a variety of free/low cost upwards to very expensive software programs that will allow you to perform selective file backup on the WD My Cloud contents to another location on the network.

Gerry_4 wrote:

Sorry I meant to ask what is ‘SSH’?

If you roll your mouse over the “i” icon to the right of the SSH option on the WD My Cloud Dashboard → Settings → Network → Network Services you would see the following explanation of how WD describes SSH.

“Secure Shell (SSH) is a security protocol that provides an encrypted connection for logging into a remote server to view, transfer files, and execute programs on the server. For this reason, SSH should only be enabled by users with advanced network and Linux knowledge. Failure to use SSH properly can render your network server inoperable. If you enable SSH, do not share the root password with anyone you do not want to have access to your network server.”

See the following WD Support link for configuring and acccessing SSH on the WD My Cloud: How to enable SSH (Secure Shell) on a WD My Cloud, Mirror, EX2, or EX4 drive