Backup/Copy fails


I’m trying for a good 3 months to somehow backup MyCloud 8TB (WDBCTL0080HWT) to upgrade it for OS5 to a USB 8TB disk (WD MyBook 25ED) but it fails to complete.

I’ve tried everything: the dashboard backup utility fails midway and I can not see which files/folders were correctly copied; Robocopy, FastCopy and Teracopy (trough mapped network drives on WIN 10) fail also. They keep loosing network midway trough copy of large files (100’s MB to 1/2 GB) and cannot reconnect without me powering off and on the MyCloud Drive.

I’ve tried to copy a few folders at a time, some work well, but I need a solution for big chunks of folders/files (thousands…).

Anyone can help? I need to sort this out before loosing the option to upgrade to OS5 in a few days…

Thanks in advance,


Why would you “loose” the option to update to OS5 if your My Cloud supports being updated to OS5?

As a troubleshooting step. If you connect the WD MyBook drive directly to a computer and try copying files directly to it from the computer does the file copy fail similar to how it fails when connected directly to the My Cloud?

Some hard drives will spin down when they think they are not being used. Sometimes one can configure that spin down/sleep setting on external USB hard drives. Check the support for your MyBook drive to see if it supports the option to configure the sleep setting and if so, how to change it. the My Cloud also includes an option for “sleep” in the My Cloud Dashboard Settings, one can disable that as a troubleshooting step to see if backups continue.

Other troubleshooting steps. Check the MyBook drive to ensure it’s not failing or has bad sectors. Try a different cable with the MyBook. Export the My Cloud logs (using the My Cloud Dashboard Help section) and see if the logs show any sort of errors or causes. Try using SSH to copy files from the My Cloud to the MyBook using Rsync.

On a side note. Sometimes files with special characters/foreign letter characters in the name can cause copy programs to fail. Check your file names just to be sure. As a worst case scenario one may have to copy large amounts of files in batches to see if the backup fails with one specific set of files, then work through that batch of files to find the offending file.

Thanks for the help @Bennor


“Why would you “loose” the option to update to OS5 if your My Cloud supports being updated to OS5?”

Misread the e-mail from WD. I thought ht free upgrade would end 15thjanuary, now I see is only the support and web access.

“As a troubleshooting step. If you connect the WD MyBook drive directly to a computer and try copying files directly to it from the computer does the file copy fail similar to how it fails when connected directly to the My Cloud?”

One of my first tries but very, very, very slow and also a few fails from what I recall. If I cannot do it while connected to the MyCloud directly I will go back to this.

"Some hard drives will spin down when they think they are not being used. Sometimes one can configure that spin down/sleep setting on external USB hard drives. Check the support for your MyBook drive to see if it supports the option to configure the sleep setting and if so, how to change it. "

One of my checks but I couldn’t find a way to do it yet. Although, the errors appear to be on the read phase @ MyCloud, not on the write phase at the USB Disk.

“My Cloud also includes an option for “sleep” in the My Cloud Dashboard Settings, one can disable that as a troubleshooting step to see if backups continue.”

Yes, disable that also.

“Other troubleshooting steps. Check the MyBook drive to ensure it’s not failing or has bad sectors.”

I’ve had a few warnings in the past and after recovery (blinking red) and test they are gone from the dashboard Logs. This is reason onefor removing all the data from the disk that I can.

“Try a different cable with the MyBook.”

Tried with a few also.

“Export the My Cloud logs (using the My Cloud Dashboard Help section) and see if the logs show any sort of errors or causes.”

Will get into that also.

“Try using SSH to copy files from the My Cloud to the MyBook using Rsync.”

This is for now out of my knowledge.

“On a side note. Sometimes files with special characters/foreign letter characters in the name can cause copy programs to fail. Check your file names just to be sure.”

That was one of the problems with Robocopy. I solved it, but I kept loosing connection midway.

“As a worst case scenario one may have to copy large amounts of files in batches to see if the backup fails with one specific set of files, then work through that batch of files to find the offending file”

Thanks. That is what I’m trying to do.

I believe I may have a few bad sectors and a a few files with errors. But I’m also getting connection errors out of nowhere. Now I’m trying teracopy with twitch for WIN 10 Registry found on their community support forum for copy within WIN 10 and NAS between mapped drives that keeps the connection alive somehow.

Doing a test right now with TeraCopy a folder with circa 300GB of avi and Mkv files, but also a lot of word/excel/PPT/PDF files of small size. An estimated 6h to complete…

I’m getting a few connection warnings but the copy is apparently recovering and moving on instead of collapsing.

I will give feedback on that after conclusion of this test.

Thanks again.


PS I didn’t get how to quote you properly on this editor, sorry…

For the My Book see the WD Support link a the top of the page where you can find the Downloads for your specific My Bood device. Apparently the WD Drive Utilities for Windows will allow one to set the Drive Sleep Timer on My Book devices.

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Thanks @Bennor

Installed, disabled Sleep mode on the USB Disk.

The previous test failed after 50 min or so. I got a few timeout errors and retries until the MyCloud access got blocked altogether. Either unavailable map drive or at another PC through the web dashboard connection on its fixed IP.

After another on/off to MyCloud :frowning: I found out that the sleep mode was On in MyCloud (must forgot to disable it after last recovery…) . But after turning it off again I could not disable also the web timeout. It’s maxed at 30 min, but I don’t know if it has any relevance on copying trough map drive connections on TeraCopy.

I’ve also moved the USB drive connection to my PC (to disable the sleep mode) and the speed improved a bit (as expected), almost doubling in large files. Doing another test, no errors/timeouts so far… fingers crossed.


[EDIT 1] Although slowly, TeraCopy is ongoing (without errors) in moving circa 300 GB of data from MyCloud mapped drive to the external USB Disk connected to the PC. 95 GB over 13h30m… :frowning:

Is there an App in MyCloud OS5 dashboard that could be used to do this within MyCloud to a directly connected USB disk, keeping the copy process out of the network and PC intervention? The current backup in OS3 is not that helpfull in moving data…

As a last resort, you can update the firmware to OS5 without backing up your data. I’ve done that with 2 MyClouds and lost none of the data files on the drives.

I have an error Code 3 for SMART failure…
So I’m getting all the data out that I can… and then do an upgrade.

Every now and then I was getting system freezes on the access trough web dashboard, mapped drive cloud. I’ve solved it by doing a system reset (the 40s one) that clears the error and the drive has been working well after I disconnected other USB disk from it (trough a powered USB switch). However, if a I do disk full disk check I always get a code 1045 error correction on files but also a code 3 (critical) on SMART…

your issue can be handled via tools like Carbonite or Gs Richcopy 360, both have options to work through worst connections, can work as a service, can copy large files with no pain, and easy to use , check the trial versions first

I’ve tested the trial version of GS RichCopy 360 but I cannot copy the files. I still get the network unavailable error…

I figure it’s something with the file itself or with the NAS drive. But some files are copied fine other are not. Independently of the type of file, size, folder location or naming used. I couldn’t even configure any of the tools I used so far (Robocopy batchfiles, TeraCopy, GS RichCopy 360 trial) to perform a move while skipping the ones in error. They always crash in the middle.


It works very well in the company, I have an idea and I think it will help, you can reach out the GS support and they will help you even if you didn’t purchase the product, as my experience with he support team, they were helpful and knowledgeable , try you will never lose anything