[APP] WebHosting for firmware V4+ (10/2015)

Fox_exe wrote:

  1. You can modify apache2 configs to use as normal webserver.
  1. PHP5 and MySql available in my repo:  http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-My-Cloud/Repository-with-software-worked-on-v4-firmware/td-p/829720

I love Apache2. It is good for servers with large ram (I have one running smoothly with 16GB ram) but not when it’s using the default mpm-prefork and mod_php5 on the small WDMyCloud 256MB ram especially handing many concurrent request. The memory print is too high.

With Apache2, WDMyCloud randomly freezed when there’s lots of php request that I need to pull off the power to force reboot. I tried modifying Apache2 to run mpm-event and php5-fpm which is slightly better but eventually I gave up and switched to Nginx.

Nginx is very stable so far and never freeze the WDMyCloud. With its low memory print, I can alocate more resources to others such as Memcache and Opcache to speed things up.