We are trying to setup a cloud-based backup onto our Amazon S3 bucket. We have created a test job that connects to the S3 bucket. We tested the account used by the backup job to ensure that the account has the ability to upload files to the destination S3 bucket. The test backup job is a manual backup/copy.
Whenever we attempt to start the backup job, the GUI reports “Backup Failed” after a second or two.
What region are you using? Try a different region
If you’re using Edge browser, it adds white spaces to the end of the field. Use Chrome or Firefox
Are you sending the backups to /bucket or /bucket/path/path? Try /bucket
Hi, SBrown.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I was using the United States region. Changed to Northern California and Oregon to no avail. Preceeding the bucket remote path with a “/” character produces an error - “The remote path must begin with a-z,A-Z,0-9”
I dug through the file system via SSH and found the /etc/s3.conf file - it indicates that there is an error_code 48 on the backup job.
I’m having the error code 48 problem as well on firmware 2.11.153. I have also checked the Amazon S3 logs and can see that the backup is attempting which suggests to me that the bucket is being properly identified. I’m dieing for a solution to this.