Achimgab - 8/1/16 - Data Loss

Post URL: Back from two week vacation and WD My Cloud does not work anymore

Post Text: Hello everybody,
I really hope you could help. I´m back from an 2 weeks vacation trip and can´t get an Connection with my WD Dashboard or any other WD site/app to my WD My Cloud.
At first the LED on the front was red. I make a 4 second reset, but the LED light only blinking in white an turns to white LED. I also make te 40 seconds reset when the power ist off … the light turns to blue, but now nothing from my old data was found on the NAS drive. I read in the describtion that no data will loose after the 40 seconds reset, but when I connect no with my WD Drive nothing was found. In the WD my Cloud app the site is still loading, no data found.
Hope anybody could help.
I have WIN10 and I think I have the last Firmware.
Thank you very much in advance

Notes: User concerned about data.




Sent to EU Team to contact the customer - 08/01

customer will be contacted - Eric - 08/02