Accessing My Cloud on a iMac

I have problems accessing my WD Cloud out of my home. I was using a iMac and installed the WD MY CLOUD application.

I login and clicked the connect button, but it took a long time and subsequently failed to connect,

However my friend’s cloud is able to accesse.

My own cloud can’t be accessed on laptops, iMac but only iPhone apps when im out of my house. Pls advised me on what to do. Thank You!

Have you enabled remote access for each user and for the WD My Cloud itself through the WD My Cloud Dashboard? Failure to do so will prevent remote access to the unit. Are users able to use the WD apps locally on the local network to access the WD My Cloud?

If you haven’t already done so you should read through the WD My Cloud User Manual, it gives general instructions on how to setup and configure the WD My Cloud for remote access.

It is generally recommended to set a static IP address on the WD My Cloud as well if one hasn’t already done so. See the following link for more information: How to configure a My Cloud or My Cloud EX4 drive with a Static IP

The other issue that may crop in rare cases is one’s broadband router or gateway may prevent access. One should access and review their broadband router/gateway’s administration interface to see if any settings within the router/gateway are preventing access.

And sometimes simply rebooting both the WD My Cloud and the broadband router/gateway is enough to fix oddball problems.

firstly, thanks for ur help! 

secondly, yes i am able to access my cloud in the local network. however when i am outside i am only not able to access on desktops whether it is the or the application itself.

i hope everything goes well!