Access to My Cloud from Android

I’ve had a My Cloud for 5 years.

Have only accessed via PC or other SMB enabled devices.

I want to access ONLY on my local network.

I do NOT want to access remotely. Remote access is OFF.

Firmware is v04.05.00-327

Twonky is disabled.

I have the My Cloud app from Google Play store installed on my Android device (Samsung s8)

I DO have a login (do I need?)

I have tried several attempts methods, with no success.

What are the steps to access the folders / files on my My Cloud via my Android device.


A few options.

totalcommander as a LAN plugin that supports smb.

There is also andsmb

I have used both. However, if you are looking for a way to mount SMB natively on the phone (such as inside a folder hosted by the sdcard) that does not seem possible without a custom kernel on your device. (Since the kernel needs to know about cifs, and you need the linux helper programs to enable cifs mounting. These are NOT included in any stock android flavor that i know of.)

AndSMB works great!


You can still use the WD Android app for local network access. Or use a File Manager app that supports SMB/local network access.

ES File Explorer File Manager is one such popular free file manager for Android that supports SMB. Have been using it for years.