SMB file share no longer works on Chrombook or Windows 10

Used to work fine. I was able to drag/drop files between my MyCloud Home Duo and my Chromebook & Google Drive using my chromebook’s file manager. Early January 2023 I lost my SMB file shares. Tried to re-establish but got ‘username/password’ errors. Tried establishing a file share with my Windows 10 laptop and got an ‘access denied’ error, so I think the problem lies with the MyCloud device.
I’ve tried restarting the MyCloud (several times), restarting my WiFi/router (several times) and changing my MyCloud username/password. No Joy. Firmware version 9.4.0-191


It seems that the 9.4.0 firmware did not fix the error that SMB processing files do not have permissions.

One has nothing to do with the other, the OP’s SMB problem preceded availability of 9.4.0. New 9.4.0-191 fixed the permissions if one checks the reset permissions after the update.

The OP may need to re-authenticate at least once, sometimes twice at My Cloud Home portal (web page) after the last firmware updates.

works now. Had to re-mount the drive using the ‘file system for windows’ option, the MyCloud IP address as the server/host name, and my MyCloud admin username.