WiFi not working anymore after firmware upgrade to 1.07.02

Both LEDs are blue of the device, i can connect to WiFi with Android and WIndows 10, i can stream videos with Twonky, but after 30 sec, sometimes longer, about 2 or 3 minutes the WiFi is throwing me out and i can’t reconnect anymore.

I need to reboot MyPassport and then i am able to reconnect but the WLAN connection is lost so i don’t have internet anymore if i connected to MyPassport.

Battery settings are “Performance” and not “Battery life”.

Also, sometimes the WiFi network of MyPassport is not recogized by Android ore Windows 10 altough both LEDs are blue.

Now after 3 hours of debugging i give up.

What is wrong there?

Thank you.

Hi Strontium90,

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

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