Why Upgrade To Yet Another Broken FW Release

It never ceases to amaze me that anyone would upgrade the firmware on the hub without reading other threads and considering the outcome - especially considering WDs history of turning out one useless update after another and never fixing anything.  STAY AT 2.07.17 CHANCES ARE NOTHING BETTER WILL EVER BE AVAILABLE and WD will just replace the entire hub hardware by this fall again anyway.

OUI !!

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hazmat96 wrote:



I guess it depends on what you want out of the HUB. If you are happy with what you get out of the 2x FW than staying there makes sense. Lots of features you miss out on thouhgh. For me, the ability to aggragate directories from multiple PCs, WD Devices etc using the media library is just way to awesome to ignore. That alone pushed me to upgrade.



hazmat96 wrote:

It never ceases to amaze me that anyone would upgrade the firmware on the hub without reading other threads and considering the outcome - especially considering WDs history of turning out one useless update after another and never fixing anything.  STAY AT 2.07.17 CHANCES ARE NOTHING BETTER WILL EVER BE AVAILABLE and WD will just replace the entire hub hardware by this fall again anyway.


OUI !!

I don’t consider myself reckless, but I have tried most of the firmware updates. I agree with Pearl, for me the updated Media Library and fixes for the FLAC playback have made the version 3 FW the best yet. I do read the threads on the latest FW updates. If I read that a lot of people have bricked their Hubs with a certain update I would stay away from that update. Otherwise as everybody has different setups and priorities, the only way to see if the update is worthwhile is to try the update for yourself. As a precaution I have backups of my media, download the latest update and previous rollback files before I take the plunge. I do the update from a USB drive as I have a slow Internet connection and reset everything to factory defaults after the update. If I hadn’t tried the latest updates my FLAC files would still be playing in reverse and I would be missing out on the improved Media Library. Everybody has different needs.