Why pagesize 64k in Firmware V4

TL;DR: new v4 firmware with standard pagesize (4k) or semi official debian repository desired

Is there any chance to get a debian compatible version of the firmware?

I bought your device so i can customize the installation with some standard debian packages. Now I have to stay on V3. Or is there an other solution?

Building the packages myself is not an option (disk space, build time, manual dependency resolution, etc.) as there are too many manual steps involved.

A semi official repository (like the one started here: http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-My-Cloud/Repository-with-software-worked-on-v4-firmware/td-p/829720) would also be an option. I guess WD should have the man power and server power to offer an 64k pagesize debian repository.

What do you think?

since WD does not support adding other apps I doubt if they will help.

what are you trying to add? users on hear have created packages for some, search these forums for what you want to add

when adding keep in mind this box is low powered and very short on memory which eleminates many options

On top of what larryg0 had explained, if not mistaken the recent was the 4th v4 firmwares released. Looks like it will be permanent so all hopes aside.

There’s another 4k based OMV produced by one of the users here, Fox_exe. You could give it a try. As much as I wanted clean Debian, I’m sticking with the v4 firmwares as I prioritise storage. Apps could go elsewhere as seems to me the 64k page size memory is giving stable and better transfer rate, peak v3=81MBps vs v4=109MBps.

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Got it, though that is very sad :frowning:

I understand that WD is not interested in providing a clean debian or even compatability to anything. I didn’t know that there seem to be a speed gain with pagesize=64k. And if thats the case I’m all in with that change.

But I think that WD has also quite a community among the power users. So they should be interested in supporting those users as well.

And it should be obvious that an (semi) official repository by WD is more trusted than a community driven effort.

Currently I’m trying to setup a repository with automated package generation.