Since it appeared last six months have passed firmware. A lot of bugs have appeared which were not resolved (the latest, that the failure of films running in the extension. Mkv). When you gentlemen going to make the new firmware? Sorry I bought this device (WD TV LIVE HD ).
Yes, when? When? When a decent navigation in file? When a “go to” option? When? When will be implemented volume control? when?when BCS?when?
Maybe when the processor reach it’s end life? May be?
It’s coming, guys.
Trust me, we ALL want it, and WD knows we want it, and like the old Gallo commercial, they will release no firmware before its time. They aren’t purposefully dragging their feet, and we are putting great pressure on them to get it out, but do remember they go some time between releases, so if the bug you want fixed isn’t yet in this release you WANT them to wait and get it in there, because otherwise you will be waiting another six months.
So, patience, grasshopper.
valente274 wrote:
Yes, when? When? When a decent navigation in file? When a “go to” option? When? When will be implemented volume control? when?when BCS?when?
Maybe when the processor reach it’s end life? May be?> * * *
Everything here is a feature request, not a bug; I hope they’re putting their efforts on bug fixes, not enhancements.
Actually, Tony, the first post dealt specifically with the MKV bug, and that is indeed in the works (as you know).
But the rest of the stuff mentioned is indeed not a bug (and yet I still hold out hope one day for my particular request to be addressed, which I DO see as a bug :>)
You consider those some sound problems a bug? Why? It’s impossible mediaplyer to play all sound and video formats in the world. That will never happen. Perhaps you think that the video/sound you have it’s a common one and should be supported. So, I think that the features mentioned are very basic features that any cheap mediaplayer nowadays have. Except WDlive…
Of course it’s a bug. WD agrees it’s a bug. They’ve said firmware for a fix for the bug is on its way.
Now maybe your definition of BUG is different than mine…
TonyPh12345 wrote:
Of course it’s a bug. WD agrees it’s a bug. They’ve said firmware for a fix for the bug is on its way.
Now maybe your definition of BUG is different than mine…
No, but my definition of “Courtesy” is a lot different. If you are having problems talking right to people, maybe you need to take a break and not lurk around here 24/7 until you recharge your batteries…
Say what?
Ignore him, Tony – I think his definition of “helping” is a little off .