Western Digital My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Drive - how it works

I like the mybook external drives.  I have over a dozen.  I’m curious about the advantages of the new ‘Cloud’ models and I’m thinking of buying one (or more).  

  1. I understand that if I plug it into the router (which I use for my internet connection) that I can access files on it from the computers which are connected to the internet via this router.  Is that understanding correct?
  2. If I connect another My Book drive to the cloud one, then will those files be accessible via the router as well?
  3. Does it work the other way too?  Can I save a file from my computer onto the cloud drive in addition to accessing the files on the drive on my computer?

Thanks  :smiley:

  1. Yes… 
  2. nope… can not connect to drives to each other but you can add more then one to the router
  3. yup … file can be transferred to and from the drive