WD Quick view on MAC with My Cloud mirror

I was sent back to best buy because the level 2 support individual indicated that i had a defective drive. The new drive exhibited the exact same issue. I have three active drive on my system

  1. MyBookDuo
  2. Mycloud
  3. MyCloudMirror

Mybookduo and MyCloud both appear properly in WD Quickview. The MyCloudmirror does not show up in wd quicview. I am running a macbook pro (2013) with OSx El Capitan (10.11.6) I had really hoped that the new drive would have corrected this connection issue. Not sure what my next steps should be. The drive is viewable in finder and I am able to move files to drive and view them using all the phone software. for what ever reason quick view will not recognize the drive. Any additional help would be greatly appreciated.


What firmware are you running on the Mirror?

Have you tried performing a system restore on the Mirror and reinstalling the application?