It totally does avi.
Hi Mona,
I followed instructions as mentioned in Method 1, and was able to recover only 3 inods out of 20, rest 17 were reallocated. When I checked the Recovered_Files director, I see 3 files which are of size 3KB each. What does it mean ?
Most of my files were pdf documents and their total size was more than 1TB.
How can I check what is there in these 3 Recovered File.
Please guide.
I am acutally trying to restore some deleted files.
When I enter the command it says:
./extundelete2.4: line 1: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting “)”)
My Command:
./extundelete2.4 --resotre-all --after 1605382129 /dev/sda4 --log ExtundeleteFullRestoreLog.txt
any suggestions?
Would be really happy if someone could help.
Hi. Can you please try to type the following command and try again?
chmod +x extundelete2.4
It should give execute permissions to this file.
thx for your fast response.
chmod was taken without response, should be ok.
extundelete still gives the same error
Sorry, I tested and it still works for me. What’s the size of “extundelete2.4” that you’ve downloaded? For me it’s 892 KB (914 087 bytes). Maybe you’ve downloaded using some wget / curl and OneDrive doesn’t allow it?
Thats what i get with ls -la
Same size as yours.
-rwxrwxrwx 1 admin share 914087 Nov 9 19:38 extundelete2.4
I found something there:
99% it is a wrong filetransfer /ascii /binary mode
try to extract the toolchain directly on the target system
Maybe you’ve used some Filezilla / WinScp with ASCII transfer mode? Not sure where those settings are, but it’s worth testing.
Sorry but i cannot follow what you mean what i can test.
i downloaded now a zip file with the 2 extundelete versions in it onto my external hdd.
In my putty session i unpacked it but have the same error.
If it was unpacked directly on My Cloud, then it should be OK. What is your “My Cloud” version? Gen 1 or Gen 2? Mine was Gen 1 with firmware 04.XXX. Maybe it differs too much.
One more thing worth trying would be pasting extundelete2.4 to this external hard drive, using Windows Explorer (or some Linux File Manager).
i am using mycloud PR4100 Firmware: 2.40.157
My external HDD is using FAT32 is this ok?
Tried to download and unpack the files now with windows. but still brings the same error.
Sorry, that’s a different model than mine. Most likely extundelete was compiled for ver. only. Maybe you can find the same executable for Gen 2 somewhere on the Internet, or different topics on this forum. Ideally, taking out the HDD from MyCloud and putting to some HDD reader, then attempting recovery operations in Linux, where you can download newest versions of extundelete or ext4magic from repositories.
You may want to ask in the dedicated WD Pro Series subforum since that device is different than the single bay/single drive My Cloud unit which is what this subforum (My Cloud) generally discusses. Perhaps people more familiar with the PR series can assist with why the command/file isn’t working.
thx for your help. I will try to make a topic in another subforum