I have a WD My Cloud device. I was fooling around with another problem and due to tiredness perhaps, I went to Dashboard/Shares and removed my main “Share”, that basically contained everything I’ve stored.
So that is 2TB of deleted data.
Is there anyway to recover the deleted files? I can’t find any “recycle bin” option regarding this or any share, nor anywhere to turn this feature on.
Single bay My Cloud units don’t have a “recycle bin” option/feature.
Best you can do is run a file recovery program on the hard drive to see if the Share or it’s files can be recovered. Note that the more you use the hard drive prior to attempted file recovery the more difficult it will be to recover files. The My Cloud hard drive if formatted for Linux so you may need to use a Linux file recovery program. Use the forum search feature (if you haven’t already), magnifying glass icon upper right, and search for recovering files. There are a number of past discussions on attempting to recover files.
Another option is to pull the hard drive from it’s enclosure and connect it to a Linux computer and attempt file recovery that way. Or spend several thousand dollars to have a professional recovery service attempt drive recovery.
I agree with Bennor that the best way to recover your data is to use a data recovery tool. As there are so many choices, you can select one you prefer. But as I have uses many data recovery software, I want to remind of you that most data recovery tools are expansive, so you can choose Bitwar Data Recovery which is free and effective.
Hope it still helps.