My old My Book has been acting funny of late. It randomly drops connection from my PC. When this occurs it not present in disk management or in my computer views. However, the lights on the front continue to stay on. I do not think it is a problem with the PC(windows or USB ports) as I have a newer My Book and a Passport also connected to the same pc and this does not occur with them. I have tried shuffling the ports each of the drives are connected to as well and seem to be having the issue only with this drive. The drive reconnects and shows up in my computer with no problems when I unplug and reconnect either the power or usb cable.
I am a bit worried that it is a sign the drive is dying and that constant unplugging and reconnect of the usb cable will damage data on the drive.
The drive in question is a ITB My Book Home Edition (wd10000h1cs-00). The disconnects seem to be very random. They occur sometimes when the drive is in use and other times when I am not even accessing the drive.
I am running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.
I have also checked power settings in windows to makes sure HDD are never powered down.
Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Any suggestions on how to remedy this situation will be greatly appreciated.