I have a 2tb mybook live which isnt playing nice with my Mac.
it used to be fine but lost Itunes first about 3 weeks ago (i have all the music stored on the NAS). This first problem was my 5000 mp3s dissapeared and was down to 862. Next I found i couldnt see the folders and files within Finder (hence why Itunes lost the files i suppose!). I remapped the drive and still couldnt see the folders/files. Time Machine cant back up to it either and hasnt for over a month which i didnt notice as it need to be on for a long time to complete and i thought it was because i hadnt had it on over night and connected to power for the time needed.
I have reindexed the drive using mac.
I have remapped the drive yesterday which initially worked great! i had all my music back, but today i cannot see the files and folders in finder again.
I have reinstalled IOS on my mac just incase it was a MAC problem.
I can see all the files and folders from my Smart tv and from my WD TV Player, so i know they are there.
I can login, but can not get to the settings. I click on settings and the screen beach balls, then stops beachballing without displaying anything more.
I have done a virus scan on both drive and computer.
i have rebotted everything.
I have unhidden everything in Terminal on Mac.
i must have trolled the internet for 50 hours trying to resove this!
Im starting to think the Drive might be up the duff.