WD Live Plus Rollback Problem

I’m trying to rollback to 1.03.49 firmware. Downloaded it from the support page, put it in a new My Passport Drive.

When I went to install it. he message on the screen asked if I want to upgrade to 2.03.49, is that supposed to happen? I hit OK, but now it is frozen at the WD logo. What do I do?

Yes, it uses a fake version number to force the “Upgrade,” which is actually to an earlier version of code.

WHEN did it start showing the WD Logo?   After the final REBOOT after the firmware loaded?

Yeah, it was after  the final reboot

This may not end well…

Unplug everything from the WDTV except for the VIDEO or HDMI cables, and plug it back in…

If it never boots, you’re going to have to call WD…  

If it just goes DARK after a minute or so, try plugging in via COMPOSITE video and see if that works.

after unplugging a message came up, Insert a USB drive with firmware to recover.  i put the 1.03.49 on a usb thumb drive, but nothing is happening.  I got it less than 30 days ago, so i’ll just try to take it back to Best Buy.

In the future, is there a trick to downgrading that works?

No, no tricks involved…  It generally just works as advertised…   But if ANYTHING happens (a power glitch, or whatever) it can “Brick” the hub, as it sounds like happened to you…