I recently purchased two external USB 3.0 HDD both 3TB capacity, one is WD Elements WDBU6Y0030BBK (I also found this drive should be inside WD30NMZW-11GX6S1) and other one is Toshiba Canvio Ready.
I made a lot of benchmarks to compare them (as I usually do with each drive I purchase) and if the Toshiba showed standard results for such HDD I’ve got unexpected good result for WD Elements that I cannot explain, may be someone can provide an explanation.
Unexpected good results are :
constant read speed over the 3TB surface, unsual and should not be possible on HDD only SSD allow this.
small block size write access 10 times better than standard HDD
head seek access time very low
Here are the screenshots of the benchmarks, hope someone can find an answer, I tried to find the tech spec of the WD Blue HDD inside the WD Elements enclosure but could not find any, is it possible this drive is a mixed HDD+SSD that could explain some of the results whenever it do not explain how it could perform constant reading speeding over all the disk size.