WD backup wont recognize my passport even as WD discovery does

So, I have two laptops and two my passports. Both passports will work on my first laptop just fine, wont on the (new) second one. Installed my discovery, updated it, installed WD backup, wont recognize ether my passport. Strangely, WD discovery will recognize them.

I did get the passports to be recognized by maunlly transferring all of the western digital files, in the 4 locations i found(why 4, why not one T-T), program files, program 86 files, local, and roaming. Put them on the new pc back in their spots. Then it would recognize the existence of the my passport, but wouldn’t allow back up giving me some gibberish about this backup line already existing. EDIT: mess around with it some more, no progress.

Hey @TheEquinox,

Try running the wdbackup installer.exe with Admin Privileges and then install the software in the system.
Let me know if the issue persists.

@Cyber_dragoon If you where talking about this one, didnt change the results.

Hey @TheEquinox,

If the previously mentioned steps did not work, this might be a issue of COM+ System Application. Just to keep it short, I will not go into the details. To fix the issue follow the steps below:

  • In the windows search bar, type “services.msc”
  • when the services window will come up, look for the service - COM+ System Application. Right-click on the service and go to “properties”.
  • Under the General tab, first “Stop” the service then change “start-up type” to “Automatic”. Then Click on “Start”, save the changes by clicking on “Apply”.
  • Now look for - “Distributed Transaction Coordinator” service. Go to “properties”, Change the start-up type to “Automatic” , start the service and save changes by clicking on “Apply”.

Once the above mentioned changes are done, run the wdbackup.exe file.

Let me know here if the issue persists.

@Cyber_dragoon Well, probably found the problem. COM+ System Application refuses to start. Im poking around trying to find out a fix for it. Would a fresh reinstall of windows potentially fix this? This isnt the first error ive found in this new pc’s code. IM sort of wondering if I can/should send it back and get a new one sent to me.

Hey @TheEquinox,

Please share the screenshots of the Error, if possible I will share the solution with you soon.BTW its not the issue of the Hardware (computer), possibly the COM+ System Application needs to be reinstalled or updated.

@Cyber_dragoon Double post as they wont allow new users to upload more than 2 pics at a time. Alright. I checked all its dependencies and they where running btw. “Distributed Transaction Coordinator” also is working.

From the poking around I did people tended to ask for event viewer error versions, so there are those as well. There was one error bassicaly at the same time the COM+ refuses to start.

@Cyber_dragoon double post as new users cant post more than 2 pics

Then generally people asked for something done in component services, but i get this error.

I cant find it in event viewer, but im really just stumbling around in that program so I could be missing it.

The rest of my search fu brought me to these things. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/b36b9662-4e9e-4ba8-8b75-d71dbf5bf10b/com-system-application-service-wont-start?forum=winservergen
Was looking at how to back up a registry, from a link within the 2nd link. Would post it, but doesnt want me posting 3 links.

Not sure if thats the right path or not. Thanks for keeping at this, your response gave me a burst of moral.