WD Backup duplicate folders

New to WD Duo & WD Backup. For some reason I have duplicate backups on my Duo. One folder labelled ‘history’ & the other ‘volume’. Both contain the same folders. Is this normal? Can I delete one & how cam I prevent this happening. Thanks in advance.


They are not really duplicates. DO NOT DELETE either. “History” seems to track changes in files, while Volume contains the actual current copies of the files. The names may be the same now, but later they will change. If you check the total space used on your Duo, it will be close to twice what your working drive used.


Thanks Cliif, I though that may be the case but wasnt sure, thanks for the clarification. I did start to delete the history folder but very quickly stopped. Hope it hasn’t messed anything up.

Just got to try to install WD discovery which doesn’t want to install for some reason.

Thanks again!
