I’ve taken the drive out of a “My Book Essential” that was not powering up. I thought the power on the unit might be gone. And now that I can power it up in a new external case. That seemed to be part of the problem. But the drive still won’t mount. I can see the drive in Apple Disk Utility. But it says “Uninitialized.”
I’m running OS X High Sierra. This is a WD 3.0 TB SATA Drive.
Any ideas what I can do to get this to mount and not lose the data?
Would DiskWarrior help in this instance?
Yes, Disk Warrior can help you repair the drive though it’s not a free tool. If your Drive is showing unmounted in the DIsk Utility, then you have fair chance to recover it. Download Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery free trial and scan your WD. Like DW, Stellar Phoenix is paid, but unlike DW you can at-least try its demo version before buying it. If you can recover your files then later you can remap this WD which should bring it back to life. Reformatting helps remove the cryptic errors in the file-structure; however, you must first salvage your files.
I have this problem as well with MyBook on Sierra. Just bought the WD 4TB and Disk Utility won’t erase, format, or anything. It sees it, but will not do anything! Should I assume that WD Mybook is trash and return it? I am NOT going to pay for more SW for a drive that claims to just work out of the box! Thanks in advance for any advice!!