Upgrade disks from 2TB RAID1 to larger RAID1

Hi Folks,
I’ve just about used up the space in my gen 1 MY Cloud Mirror. It currently has two 2TB drives in it that are in RAID1 configuration. How would I go about replacing the drives with larger disks like 4TB or even bigger?

Should I break the RAID1 and then replace one drive and then the other and rebuild the RAID? Is that even possible?
Can I leave the RAID1 alone, replace a drive with a bigger one, have the RAID1 rebuild itself, replace the 2nd drive and rebuild the RAID1 again?

Any guidance would be helpful.


Some advanced Users use SSH to migrate/clone the unit’s operating system in order to build a larger volume. However, such proceedings are not warranted or supported by Western Digital.

Perhaps it would be best to contact WD Support in order to confirm if there is a safe procedure you can follow. You can do so over the phone or via E-mail.