Unrar at V4+

I bricked my WMC today 5 times, because i tried to install unrar, but it dont works. 

How i can install unrar?


dont work. i cant install unrar, but unrar-free, dont work. i get every time extract failed with a rar file.

I installed omv and it works there.  http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-My-Cloud/Clean-debian-and-OpenMediaVault-on-WDMyCloud/td-p/785505

but i want it on the mycloud firmware. does anyone know how i install unrar at firmware 4+?

There is no way, because there is no source code available for unrar. (In my repo - just repacked rar for arm… My mistake)

Use p7zip instead.

and how i can use it with pyload to extract after download?

adem93 wrote:

and how i can use it with pyload to extract after download?

Change in scripts (Or sources?) unrar to p7zip.

p7zip-rar module will be added soon to my repo…

Thanks for this post.

I installed p7zip-rar module from your repo.

However I can’t get Pyload to recognize it and unrar files using it.

487 06.01.2015 23:28:09 INFO ExtractArchive: No UnRar installed
488 06.01.2015 23:28:09 WARNING ExtractArchive: Could not activate SevenZip | 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'SevenZip'
489 06.01.2015 23:28:10 INFO ExtractArchive: Activated UnZip