TV Live disconnection revisited

My WD HD TV Live drops connection every once in a while whether it is a wireless or wired setup. When it does, every other equipment connected to the network still work fine (Wii, PC, etc.) I’m even able to acces my media server with the PC.

My setup (I’ll use wired to ease things up) :

  • TV Live is wired to my Cisco E3000 router.
  • A USB external hard drive is plugged into the router and acts as the media server.
  • E3000 has both a guest and a private network (I’m using the private network with the TV Live).
  • Workgroup of both TV LIVE and router (and PCs) is “WORKGROUP”.
  • I’m using static, internal IP adresses for the TV LIVE and any other equipment in my network.
  1. When the wired TV LIVE looses its connection, I have to check the connection in my settings and resume playback.
  2. When the wireless TV LIVE looses its connection, I cannot only check the connection again because it hangs at DNS server. I have to go to Wireless favorites, re-connect and resume playback. I’m using a Linksys WUSB600N v2 dongle and the signal (always strong) only needs to travel a flat 20ft through a single wall.

I think it might be a router setting since both wired and wireless drop connection, but I’m not sure.

See link below for my almost complete router setup.