This thing does not work. Cannot get Desktop app to install nor can I add things from website

We have a MyCloud Home for backup purposes. I was able to set it up and login to the web portal, but I have a lot of items on my computer I want to bring over. The desktop app seems to be the way to go in my opinion.

I downloaded the Desktop App and it always stops in the middle of installing with Installation Failed. I have tried this on 4 different computers with the same results. All Windows 10.

Being mad at this stupid thing I decided to try to add my folders and files to the website. Nope, doesn’t work well either. I have multiple folders organize in my pictures, but you can ONLY add the folders. Like what’s the point of that? I want to add the folders and the pictures within them. So far this thing isn’t worth the time unless I am missing something.

Hi @kmiller0526,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

When I installed the desktop app, I couldn’t get it to install unless I agreed to sharing all the info and data with Big WD. I’m sure that’s lawsuit material right there, but until somebody bothers, you may need to do the same and, once installed, go to Settings and uncheck “Product Improvement Program” or whatever it will be called next.