Support os x el capitan

Anyone heard of a solution from WD? I just bought this ■■■■ and found out that it won’t connect to Finder.

Well, I upgraded to 10.11.1 and it connected for a little while. Then it loses connection and I have to restart it in order for it to work again, just to have it disconnect over again…

I am facing same issue after upgrading to El Capitan 10.11.1.

My web UI only works for few minutes after MyCloud reboot. and not able to connect either by cmd + K or finder. but my Time Machine regularly perform backup successfully.

I hope WD and Apple both issue patch to resolve this issue soon.

I haveI’m on El Capitan and I have 2 My cloud units, both updated to OS3. One of them is working fine, the other one in not (connection failure in finder)…that would lead to the conclusion that the problem is not with El Capitan…what do you think?

100% problem with El Capitan, I am now running the El Capitan Public Beta (Version 10.11.2 Beta - 15C31f) and the problem has been resolved. Connects through finder and stays connected.


So then there’s hope!? Any idea when it’s getting released?

Hard to say, probably a few weeks from now. From my experience being part of the beta program they usually release at least 5 public and developer betas before a main release, the beta I mentioned was only the second one and it came a week after the first beta and two weeks after the main release of 10.11.1. Apples asking us to focus on Graphics, Wi-Fi, Calendar, USB, Notes, Photos, and Spotlight. I’ve been running the current beta virtually non-stop since they seeded it and no issues with my WD My Cloud so yes, I would say there is hope!


Hey guys, might want to try this. From Terminal:

sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

I don’t want to bore you with the technical details, but up until Mavericks, Apple used mDNSResponder for certain kinds of networking. In Yosemite, they replaced it with discoverd (sic) which had major problems and never quite worked well. In El Capitan, they abandoned discoverd and went back to mDNSReponder, but they don’t have all the bugs worked out quite yet.

Unfortunately, those commands only work until, well, they stop working. Then you have to type them in again. Also, because they are sudo commands you’ll have to enter your password.

I’ll second what @michaelrist says - I just updated to the 10.11.2 (15C31f) and it does appear to have resolved the “Shared” connection issue for me.

I was able to connect both as a guest and as a registered user with password (which never worked for me - but I added the WDMyCloud just after upgrading to El Cap so I have no Mavericks or Yosemite reference)


Sorry? enigma_cipher ! You kept on saying you are working with Apple and WD to work out a solution to this problem and suddenly yours is fixed itself you dont know how and now we’re supposed to do what exactly???

I am not particularly clear on what is going on or how to fix it but here is where I’m up to:

Installation - now uses a web installer, this did not work. would not find my device, so I had to use the old software download installer. once working, any kind of browser-based connection either didn’t work or told me I needed to update firmware, but would not connect in order to install firmware. Had to manually download firmware and apply manually.

Got it to a working state in the sense that I can connect to it through every other means except as a shared drive in Finder. In finder, it connects as guest but gives me the “could not connect” error when trying to log in.

As to previous advice, there is no certificate entry in keychain, so cannot change permissions. It never flagged up telling me about certificate issues.
Tried the CMD+K method, still cant connect.
In finder where it connects as guest, when I click on a folder it comes up with the error “The operation can’t be completed because the original item ‘’ can’t be found”. at the top of the finder screen it says “Connected as: Guest sign in as…”
Trying to sign in also doesn’t connect.

So far nobodies suggestions have worked for me, so any other suggestions or do I just have to wait until somebody releases a shoddy patch?

Edit: I’d like to add that I am indeed on El Capitan 10.11.1, and although I can access my drive to save files etc, my main goal is to be able to use it with Time Machine

Yesterday I connected to my drive via the Mac photos App but the connection broke overnight after 136Gb had transferred, I am trying to copy 642Gb of photos, I have been trying intermittently all day and have not managed one connect via Photos or from the Finder sidebar although I can connect via the my Cloud App. From within Photos App I get the same can’t connect response as I get from the sidebar.

I have not updated any Mac software since the successful connect yesterday, everything is the latest version.

So far connecting via Finder > Go >connect to server has lasted about 10 seconds.

I need to wipe my machine and get everything into a new Mac but last time I did that I lost several thousands of photos hence I want to export them or drag/drop them into a folder rather than trust reinstalling from a backup. I don’t seem to be able to drag / drop anything onto the connected App folders.

I am currently backing up via TimeMachine and I am on same El Capitan as you. I just turned on TimeMachine and it found the drive and kicked in. It doesn’t look right though as it is backing up “14.00 Gb” and there is 827Gb on my Drive.

I signed up for Apple Beta last night and installed 10.11.2 today. I can confirm that go>connect to server route and export from Photos both are now stable and all of my photos are safely exported.

Thanks for the tip Michael

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What beta is out at the moment?

I just realized my machine stopped backing up to my cloud server when I moved to El Capitan 2 weeks ago. And I cant mount the servers, tried all the suggestions on this thread and non worked. When is this going one fixed? Both my cloud severs say they have the latest firmware and both have been checked and rebooted but I cant mount them any way I try. Help

I am on 16C47A

I had some success with my MyCloud device since moving to 10.11.2 I managed to do a proper “quick” factory restore although ‘quick’ is not how I would describe it.
I then managed to transfer 485Gb to it over a few days but by Saturday it started crawling again, yesterday I was unable to delete a folder that has 42Mb in it, I was unable to make a new folder either. I just kept getting disconnects or that folder / that device does not exist messages. Uploading a 7Mb photo was back to taking a few attempts to connect properly via Photos App then about 15mins to transfer. I had done loads of the stuff in the sticky at the top of the forum ages ago as I did not need it to stream anything or share anything beyond my laptop.

It is connected to our router by a 0.5meter cable, the router is about 1 meter from my laptop so its not like I am connecting from far away. Having spent weeks problem shooting on this horrid device over the 11 months since I bought it I have now put it out of service. I have drowned it for security as I can’t delete anything and the full restore seems to take forever.

I have another LaCie one on order. None of my LaCie drives have ever caused any problems or even needed reformatted, the oldest one I still use dates from 2005. The oldest one I have that still works is a 30Gb one from 99/2000 but it is old firewire and too small to be of much use.

I am envious of those who have a working MyCloud device and wish good luck to all who are still struggling on.


OS X El Capitan 10.11.2 is out today (December 8, 2015). I am updating it right now. i’ll let you guys know if I face issue after installing 10.11.2.


Thanks for all the input, this great forum has been a life saver.

KEYCHAIN WAS MY SENTENCE…as in life sentence.
I think many issues for some as far as connecting may be from setting up WDMYcloud with keychain on and then having to update firmware as well as the resets and to add insult to injury, I changed the name of the cloud, the ip address, and share names. If users have similar log in names for OS and wdmycloud may find it a real issue as the brick is setup.
***** Os allows space between first and last and wdmycloud does not ex. JOHN DOE VS JOHNDOE.******
MY 1st setup was with the cloud named “WDMycloud” and then after seeing up under my email and then reset I changed to it “XWDMycloud”. after that now add in OS uses a public key chain for public share and a guest user and then add in a registered user with OS for private shares and things can go very wrong. Read further sorry i tried to keep it short as possible.

Cloud working finally!!! though I have added only 1 folder and 1 song as well custom shares. Thanks for all the info, it had been very helpful.

My experience trying to make a long story short…
El Capitan v 10.11.1
Mac mini base brand new
My cloud 4T
5th gen airport extreme
5port switch
Older My book that I have plugged on router usb

This is my 1st post on this forum so bare with me and this is my first mac though i have many apple products i have used Windows till now. As soon as I plugged it in i had issues so I started looking at forums and found this great place.

I followed the general setup recommend here and had unstable connections after 2 weeks and a million reboots of all hardware with varying settings and changing booting order. I made sure I added no content as not to compound the hardware issue. In the end i was left a working time machine but no shares or if I turned off Time Machine both on cloud and mac I could see the shares all set to public but could not turn on time machine without losing the shares.

After much head scratching, i started tinkering. I changed the ip and reserved it but then created an issue with OS looking for the wrong ip which i fixed. I messed up other things by deleting shares and changing and adding user names . But i think by breaking it more, it led down a path that had me going in a good direction.

The main problem I had from the get go was the user name WD asks to create under full name compared to OS user name created with mac setup.
In OS user name the El captain was using …ex “John Doe” but when I setup the cloud because I decided to keep it simple and use the same thing till i had working machine. Well WD does not allow a space in the user name so it became “JohnDoe” .
This became an issue later as well as I changed the name of the cloud after the initial setup which i mistakenly saved the info in Keychain. At the low point i had a cloud dashboard looking for the wrong ip though I resolved, plus because I changed the ServerName that i had no idea OS would keep looking for due to keychain. WDMycloud is the default name but i changed it to XWDMcoud and which key chain logged as well then did another reset like the first time and overlooked that it defaulted back and i failed to change it back to my custom setting.
Time Machine after working great at first was looking for its share under username John Doe and the other shares when i turned TIME M… off were looking for user name JohnDoe without the space. Add in multiple versions of in keychain and other issues all while trying different passwords with keychain turned on and I had created a huge mess which took a week to notice the minor differences and understand what was happening.

  • I think for many, the issue is setting up WDMycloud while keychain is active.*
    I registered for the internet access with email address during setup not realizing that when i planned on changing server name and other settings that keychain would enter many wrong/ different public and private keys and the WD cloud access would be different. Keychain made a rats nest with multiple entries for all the different logins. Though I sorted most of it I see while typing this looking at keychain I still might have some issues to look at.

example of different keychain items after deleting many bad entries…

  1. my ip address of Wdmycloud looks like this - as web form pass

  2. Xwdmycloud.local-as webworm pass

  3. Xwdmycloud.local( myemailhere) - as web form

  4. ip address of mycloud plus my email looks like this as web form pass

  5. 3 entry of XWDMycloud - as network pass

  6. 1 entry WDMycloud- as network pass(notice the missing letter I had added

  7. protectedcloudstorage- as application password

  8. at least 4 wd2go certificates

  9. 4 entries for airport disk pass

  10. 1 entry of XWDMycloud…overtcp.tcp.local - as Time Machine pass disk image. NOTE> i deleted at least 6 versions this many without the extra letter I added when I changed the name of the cloud and incorrect username of JOHN DOE vs JOHNDOE as the WD doesn’t allow space and apple does so if you use the same name to log on to OS as the cloud it gets confusing as to what keys for usernames your using and i have the cloud pass different then my OS log in on my mac.

another issue i was looking at Mac system info for network volumes and I see the the shares for time machine as well as the others are not auto mounted. So if you lose internet the shares must disconnect and will not remount unless its done manually. I have read many are losing the connection during long transfers. so its possible your internet connection glitches and there goes your mount. Can someone confirm this as Im a beginner and know very little about mac this being my first as of 2weeks ago plus this is first attempt Network Storage etc etc…
Im not sure how to change the settings for auto mount but will try to update this if i solve it.

I hope this helps at least allowing the 2 devices connect. Once i resolve the setup issues i have i will proceed to adding media and I pray i don’t have the issues others have having with the media scans.
I wonder if the login issues that keychain can create trying to log in to the separate volumes/disk image by chance with different credentials all on the same ip would confuse/conflict and cause the never ending scanning i see posted on here.
I see as well in the system info that my airport is the only thing showing with a sleep protocol on. My question is does MYcloud sleep off of the airport protocol since its plugged in to it or does it need a separate protocol. if it uses airport protocol to sleep the MYcloud will never see it in my house as the router traffic is non stop. NOTE… I noticed the cloud in sleep mode prior to adding my one test folder and one mp3.

Please let me know if I’m on the right track and these are just my humble opinions.
Sorry for the grammar etc etc. high school dropout as I hated english…
Thanks Big Jake

CONFIRMED - after upgrade to 10.11.2 network shares works better than ever - it’s finally fast and there are no problems with mounting shares(thery are mounting automatically after just entering the server in Finder)