I’ve been looking for info as to why I am getting ‘stuttering’ on my WD Live player when the source came from a Blu-Ray. The movie will play just fine when I am reading it off an external drive, but when I attempt to watch through the network, BD stutters, and normal DVD sources are fine. Everything pretty much points to the fact that the bitrate is too high and needs to be reduced using 3rd party software.
There seems to be info on the matter, but most discussions go over my head as far and the lingo goes. But I replaced all my network cables with cat6, and still have problems. So now I am just thinking either my computer does not support gigabyte speeds, or WDLive is just bottlenecking.
I came acroos ‘Dune HD’ which is a similar product, and it appears as if thier mini player (pretty much identical to the WDLive) can play such formats. Can anyone comment on it?
And in laymans term…how do I stream BD iso’s to my WDLive without degradeing quality.