Stupid question

So where can I buy a WD Elements Play?  I can’t find one at Best Buy and the WD Store link on this page is broken and doesn’t take you to a page where you can buy one.  Just curious.

You can’t, at least retail.   It’s only available in various international markets.   

The WDTV Live Hub is a better alternative, anyway, and probably less expensive…

I actually didn’t want to get the LiveHub because it’s got all that stupid internet ■■■■ on it.  Do I really need to update my FB stauts from my boobtube.  Or tweet all the twits who don’t have lives to tell them that I don’t have one either and that I’m gonna watch a movie.  Or Netflix; they may have a great product, but I don’t like them because their CEO is a complete juicebag so I refuse to let him have any of my hard earned money.  ETC, ETC, ETC …  All I want is to take the content I have on my computer (that has been purchased, I’m not a pirate) and store it on some device that plugs into my TV so I can access it where I’m gonna watch it.  I don’t need/want to set my computer up as a media server, beam the content into the ether, and have it materialize at a reciever next to my TV.  I just want a hard drive full of content.  Done!  No bells, no whistles. The WD Elements Play seemed to be the product that matched what I want to do best.

…  while there’s no all-in-one solution that matches that exactly, a WDTV Live (or Live+) plus an inexpensive portable HD would certainly do the job…

Please don’t buy it!

I you want I’ll give you mine, just to you to realize how bad it is!!!

WD TV Live is a much better solution, and cheaper…